Grille 15 crew skills
In the summer ofWaffenamt the German Army Weapon Agency concluded an agreement with the Krupp and Rheinmetall companies for designing a tank destroyer on the chassis of the Panther tank.
The Grille 15 is a German tier 10 tank destroyer. In the summer of , Waffenamt the German Army Weapon Agency concluded an agreement with the Krupp and Rheinmetall companies for designing a tank destroyer on the chassis of the Panther tank. It was planned to mount either the mm K 43 gun or the mm sFH 43 howitzer. The projects were designated Grille 12 and Grille 15, featured rear placement of the fighting compartment, and differed only in the artillery system type. Later, the Grille 15 received a mm gun with a length of 63 calibers, which could penetrate mm of armor at 4, meters. However, development was slow, and the Grille 15 remained only in blueprints.
Grille 15 crew skills
The in-game Grille 15 is a combination of the various Krupp proposals of Panther-based self-propelled guns, and the superheavy guns developed for use on various SPG's. Jump to: navigationsearch. Select a region.
This Top of the Tree special puts you on the path of formidable German tank destroyers all the way to the intimidating X Grille The branch ranges from fragile but deadly mid-range supports to mobile snipers with formidable firepower at the top! Leave crushed enemies in your wake and advance all the way to the top to reach this gallant German destroyer. Let's not beat about the bush—the gun stats on the Grille 15 are extraordinary. The 63 caliber long, mm gun can penetrate mm of armor and will leave enemies wondering what hit them. It's stealthy too! Unleash havoc with penetrating rounds and then make the most of its good mobility and sneakiness to relocate. Just make sure to protect your fragile armor and avoid the hostile front line. Hang back from the heat of battle, find a strategic position, and start sniping.
Grille 15 crew skills
Wargaming Tankopedia technical details ». You will hit most of your shots, but you will not penetrate. The tank has a low camouflage rating for a tank destroyer and remember that you don't have a fully rotating turret. Despite this, I really like this tank. In order to be competitive, field modifications needs to be fully researched.
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Radio Operator. However, despite the fact that the Grille 15 is nowhere near the "lane-crushing machine" status of the WT auf E, it is still a capable Tier X Tank Destroyer with its own unique skill set. Time for the successive autoreloading of each shell into the magazine. IV hydrostat. HP Damage at m. Asia: English. Later, the Grille 15 received a mm gun with a length of 63 calibers, which could penetrate mm of armor at 4, meters. North and South America: English. And the rest cried out in disappointment, having lost their team-slaying behemoth TD and received a much weaker, albeit much more sensible, vehicle in return. E Play this tank as a concealed sniper or as a fire support vehicle to heavily armored teammates who can protect your tank in order to maximize its potential and in turn its contributions to the battle. Tech Tree.
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Historical Info. Pros and Cons Pros: Outstanding accuracy and aim time Great shell velocity with standard AP shells Very good top speed and good acceleration Wide gun arc and decent gun depression Cons: Extremely poor survivability - low hitpoint pool, no armour, open-topped Very poor camouflage for a sniper TD Abysmal ground resistance on soft terrain Extremely poor on the move dispersion, every shot needs to be fully aimed Fairly low penetration for a Tier 10 tank destroyer Performance The Grille 15 was introduced in Patch 9. This makes the Grille 15 one of the best sniper tanks in the game. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes. I Ausf. These included the Grille 12 and the Grille 15, which would have used a mm gun and a mm sFh 43 gun respectively. IV hydrostat. Modules Reset Configuration. Germany TD Tier X. The Grille 15 is a German tier 10 tank destroyer. Do not show this dialog again. Characteristics are specified for Siege mode. The in-game Grille 15 is a combination of the various Krupp proposals of Panther-based self-propelled guns, and the superheavy guns developed for use on various SPG's. The projects were designated Grille 12 and Grille 15, featured rear placement of the fighting compartment, and differed only in the artillery system type.
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