gta v pack man

Gta v pack man

Franklin pulls up in front of Lamar's house around the corner from his old safehouse on Forum Drive in Strawberry. He receives a call from Lamar. Lamar tells Franklin that he's stolen the final car in Weston's list, a Pegassi Monroegta v pack man, and now has it nearby, behind Glass Heroes autobody shop.

This guide will highlight the main mission strategies and Gold Medal requirements needed to complete every main story mission. After picking up Lamar, drive over to Devon Westin's garage where a big rig is parked on the street. Drive the car into the big rig and then make the long drive to Paleto Bay. Once you get near Paleto Bay , the police track you down in hot pursuit. From there, Franklin will exit the truck and get into the JB Once the game switches to Franklin, immediately press the L3 button to start dropping spikes on the road. A quick cutscene will show the cop cars getting their tires blowed up.

Gta v pack man

Note: You can complete each Gold Medal requirement in multiple playthroughs of the mission. You don't need to obtain them all in one single playthrough. This mission can either be started as Trevor or Franklin. Lamar calls both of them to say he's stolen the last car on the list and now all the cars need to be transported to Procopio Truck Stop near Paleto Bay. Franklin collects the last car, which is behind Glass Heroes autobody shop. Franklin puts the last car on the Packer. They all get in the front of the truck and start to journey to the meeting point. The play switches to Trevor, who is driving the truck. On the ride over, Franklin takes a nap so Trevor and Lamar chat about various different topics. The drive over was going smoothly until the truck gets about three miles away from the meeting point. The police have caught up to them and now the group have gained a two-star wanted level. Trevor carries on driving the truck while Franklin gets out the tricked out JB and drives that. He uses the different functions of the car, such as guns and spikes to defend the truck from the police. Once all the pursuing police are dealt with, the group head to the meeting point.

The player is automatically shifted to Franklin.


Franklin pulls up in front of Lamar's house around the corner from his old safehouse on Forum Drive in Strawberry. He receives a call from Lamar. Lamar tells Franklin that he's stolen the final car in Weston's list, a Pegassi Monroe , and now has it nearby, behind Glass Heroes autobody shop. Franklin drives the two blocks and meets Lamar. Alternatively, Trevor pulls up in front of Lamar's house and receives a phone call from Lamar, who tells Trevor that Franklin and himself are about to steal the Monroe. The player is automatically shifted to Franklin. Either way, the two drive the Monroe to Little Bighorn Avenue where Trevor is waiting with a Packer filled with the other cars the group have obtained for Weston. Franklin drives the Monroe onto the last remaining spot on the Packer. The suggested GPS is almost 8 7.

Gta v pack man

This guide will highlight the main mission strategies and Gold Medal requirements needed to complete every main story mission. After picking up Lamar, drive over to Devon Westin's garage where a big rig is parked on the street. Drive the car into the big rig and then make the long drive to Paleto Bay. Once you get near Paleto Bay , the police track you down in hot pursuit. From there, Franklin will exit the truck and get into the JB Once the game switches to Franklin, immediately press the L3 button to start dropping spikes on the road.

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Grand Theft Auto Advance. Paleto Score Setup. Scouting the Port. After all the cop cars are eliminated, drive towards the waypoint at Procopio Beach to meet with Molly and complete the mission. Option A. Originally, LSPD cars are sent to chase the truck. The Lost and Damned. Caida Libre. Devin doesn't come due to the heat the group collected. Fame or Shame. Episodes from Liberty City. Blitz Play.

Note: You can complete each Gold Medal requirement in multiple playthroughs of the mission. You don't need to obtain them all in one single playthrough. This mission can either be started as Trevor or Franklin.

Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto 2. Eye in the Sky. Option B Heist Setup. Sign Up. You don't need to obtain them all in one single playthrough. Disable 3 cop cars with spikes. The player is shifted to Trevor driving the Packer. Martin Madrazo. Franklin rails at Schultz for the lack of payment, but she tells him to be grateful and drives off, leaving Franklin alone. Drive the car into the big rig and then make the long drive to Paleto Bay. Lamar tells Franklin that he's stolen the final car in Weston's list, a Pegassi Monroe , and now has it nearby, behind Glass Heroes autobody shop. The Vehicles. The Third Way.

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