hamburger the movie trailer

Hamburger the movie trailer

Russell Proco has been expelled from several schools for lewd, crude and nude conduct. Busterburger University is his last chance for an education and pleasing his disappointed parents, hamburger the movie trailer. Lyman Vunk : [instructing a managerial training class] We reserve the right

Updated February 18, Do you think Hamburger The Motion Picture is a classic? In when Hamburger: The Motion Picture was released, my brain was starting to appreciate screwball comedies. Mike Marvin who also directed another cult classic, Wraith does a great job telling the story of a group of misfits brought together to get their diplomas from BusterBurger University. I need to keep it real with you, though; this movie is cheezy. It might be difficult for some folks to sit through. I love this movie, from the theme song and creepy giant pickles to the ridiculous scene in the restroom.

Hamburger the movie trailer


Randi Brooks Mrs.


Updated February 18, Do you think Hamburger The Motion Picture is a classic? In when Hamburger: The Motion Picture was released, my brain was starting to appreciate screwball comedies. Mike Marvin who also directed another cult classic, Wraith does a great job telling the story of a group of misfits brought together to get their diplomas from BusterBurger University. I need to keep it real with you, though; this movie is cheezy. It might be difficult for some folks to sit through.

Hamburger the movie trailer

However, he must pass to get his inheritance, so he has no choice but to try the twelve weeks of hamburger college. One of the teachers wants to give the students a bad time. User name. Police Academy was nog "serieus" te nemen, maar wat Hamburger: The Motion Picture laat zien is echt vreemd.

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Goofs "Grill Sergeant" Drootin could be held criminally responsible for forcing the chicken-laden truck off the street and into the Busterburger restaurant. More to explore. See the gallery. Robert Gray Busterburger Manager. Dick Butkus Drootin. User reviews 37 Review. It's unclear who exactly owns the rights to the movie, and it's unknown once the movie will ever see its DVD or Blu-ray release. Trailer Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Hamburger: The Motion Picture R 1h 30m.

The film stars Leigh as Russell Proco, who finds himself way too distracted by women who want to have sex with him. Proco decides to enroll in Hamburger University to become an owner of a Busterburger franchise.

Lyman Vunk : [instructing a managerial training class] We reserve the right Lillian Garrett Russell's Mother. Quotes Lyman Vunk : [instructing a managerial training class] We reserve the right Hamburger: The Motion Picture R 1h 30m. Jerry Lewis says "it's a smash!!! Leigh McCloskey Russell Proco. Do you think Hamburger The Motion Picture is a classic? United States. Edit page. Jack Blessing Nacio Herb Zipser. See the full list.

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