Hamster and guinea pig difference
Hamsters and guinea pigs are two hamster and guinea pig difference the most popular small animal friends coveted by kids, so let's get to know more about their history, what makes each of these critters special and decide which might be best for your family and current lifestyle. These often chatty yes, they can oink! Guinea pigs are actually rodents with tiny tails that originated hundreds of years ago in South America's grasslands, hamster and guinea pig difference, forests, and rocky terrain. They are still present in the world today where you might spot the short-haired English breed, a wiry hair Abyssinian with swirly rosettes in its fur or the long-hair Peruvian.
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Hamster and guinea pig difference
One major thing that differentiates hamsters and guinea pigs is lifespan. Hamsters have shorter lifespans than guinea pigs, generally living for 2 to 4 years. This is because they are small and have metabolisms that work much faster than their guinea pig cousins. Guineas generally live from 5 to 8 years, with some individuals reaching 10 years. Another key difference between the two is their size. As we mentioned above, hamsters are much smaller than guinea pigs, with the average size being in the region of cm. Even the smallest guinea pigs are larger than the biggest hamsters, with the average guinea being cm long. This means that guinea pigs need larger enclosures. The following differences are the ones that need to influence your decision. This is possibly the biggest difference between the two species. Hamsters are generally nocturnal creatures, which means they prefer the nightlife. Many hamster owners will be able to tell you how their hamster starts running in its squeaky wheel at 1am! Guinea pigs, on the other hand, are mostly active during the day, taking naps whenever they feel the need. Rather than sleeping for one long spell each day, they recharge their batteries whenever they feel like it. They do tend to sleep more during the night, though.
The four main differences between hamsters and guinea pigs 1. The most popular Golden aka Syrian hamster breed tops out at palm-size as an adult. An easy way to tell guinea pigs and hamsters apart is by looking at them.
The Dodo spoke to Dr. Chyrle Bonk, a veterinarian with Hepper , to find out the main differences between guinea pigs and hamsters and what factors a pet parent should consider before adopting one for themselves or their child. Guinea pigs are part of the Caviidae family, like wild cavies and capybaras, while hamsters are part of the Cricetidae family. There are other differences between them, too. An easy way to tell guinea pigs and hamsters apart is by looking at them. Guinea pigs are much bigger than hamsters — around three times bigger, Dr. Bonk told The Dodo.
Pet Keen is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more. Click to Skip Ahead. Are you looking to add a new furry friend to your family but are caught up in the decision of being unable to choose between a hamster and a guinea pig?
Hamster and guinea pig difference
Hepper is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more. Click to Skip Ahead. While hamsters and guinea pigs are both small rodents with several similarities, these animals are quite distinctive. In this article, we help you get acquainted with hamsters and guinea pigs, along with their similarities and differences, so you can hopefully choose the best pet for you and your family!
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Sleeping patterns Another major difference between hamsters and guinea pigs is their sleeping habits. Sleeping patterns This is possibly the biggest difference between the two species. They are both from the rodent family but Guinea Pigs are a domesticated animal that belongs to the Cavia genus whereas Hamsters include some 25 species including Syrian hamsters, dwarf hamsters, hand hamsters in the Cricetinae genus. Guinea pigs are herbivorous while hamsters are omnivorous! Keep in mind that whether you should get either pet is less about whether it is easier to take care of a hamster or a guinea pig, and more about which fits your lifestyle better. They are furry. You can expect your piggy pal to keep you company for years or even longer in some cases , whereas a hamster typically lives for years at most. Guinea pigs have an average lifespan of years with many living upwards into the double digits! They have evolved to be social animals and will soon become sad and stressed if they are denied this interaction. If you want a more social pet, you should go with a guinea pig. Hamsters act like clowns, climbing the walls of their cages, hanging upside down, and putting on a good show for admirers young and old. OK, got to state the obvious now, but yes, they do have the same number of legs. You can cuddle with your guinea pigs as soon as they become familiar with their surroundings and get comfortable with human interactions.
The Dodo spoke to Dr.
Hamsters can be particularly aggressive when their territory is invaded even by other Hamsters. But many hamsters can learn to enjoy being held and petted if you take the time to let your hamster get comfortable. You may have assumed that piggies and hammies like to nibble on the same tasty treats, but there are some key differences to be aware of when it comes to the diets of these sweet furballs. This was a great article! This means you need to make sure you include lots of vegetable high in vitamin C such as spinach and broccoli. One brand that is suitable for a pair of guinea pigs is the MidWest Guinea Habitat. But they are completely different although related animals. Submit Your Pet. If you are debating between a guinea pig and a hamster, this is something major you should consider. As long as you teach your child to hold them properly, guinea pigs love to cuddle, and they can be fun for kids to play with since they enjoy roaming around. For both pet types, you can find short and long-hair breeds in pet stores and animal rescues.
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