harness racing trading ring

Harness racing trading ring

Anyone can browse Auction Listings. You only need to Register once. Then just Sign In everytime you come back to the site.

Welcome to the Harnesslink Forum. To join in on the discussion you will need to register. Important: Please note that in order to register and post you must include your full name first and last. This requirement benefits all members by making sure everybody is responsible for what they post online. Remember Me? Advanced Search. Results 1 to 7 of 7.

Harness racing trading ring


The time now is AM. What happens if I win an Auction? Yes, there is an internal Messaging System located in your 'Dashboard', built harness racing trading ring the Harness Racing Trading Ring Auctions website where you can send messages direct to the Seller.


Racehorses, broodmares, yearlings, weanlings, and more. The Harness Racing Trading Ring takes no commissions or any part in any transaction. You enter your contact details and any interested parties will contact you direct. With over , page views per month, the Harness Racing Trading Ring has established itself as the Number 1 website in Australia for buying and selling standardbred harness racehorses, broodmares, yearlings, weanlings, gear and more. Many Users report that their horse has sold within hours of listing. Many Vendors are unsure of the value of their horses and the Online Auction selling platform gives Vendors the ability to go to an open market.

Harness racing trading ring


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Mark Has just logged of. Let's see what happens. Mark Has sent you a message, take a look! If successful then this is a significant improvement on trading ring's current offering as it includes lots more practical features. How it works Anyone can browse Auction Listings. What happens if I win an Auction? Results 1 to 7 of 7. Just another nail in the coffin. How can I manage my Account? The Seller receives a notification via email that they have a message awaiting from a potential Buyer.


All rights reserved. Just noticed today that harness. What happens if I win an Auction? Mark Has sent you a message, take a look! We really need one main site for standardbred sales otherwise there will be adds spread out all over different sites that will make it a nightmare for buying and selling horses. Results 1 to 7 of 7. Thread: The Trading Ring is closing! Create your free Account Click on the "Register" button at the top of the screen. Thanks HRA. The Trading Ring is closing! Once you have Registered and have created an Account, you will be able to start adding Auctions. Start connecting with the Harness Racing industry in Australia. After you have logged in, you can click on "My Account", also located at the top of the screen, to access your Dashboard.

2 thoughts on “Harness racing trading ring

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