haunter db

Haunter db

Move Level Type Att. This attack never misses.

It evolves from Gastly starting at level 25 and evolves into Gengar when traded or when exposed to a Linking Cord. It has a round head flanked by three large, spiked protrusions on either side. It has triangular eyes with small pupils and a mouth with a long, pink tongue. The gases composing its head curve into its mouth to form several pointed teeth. Disembodied hands with three clawed fingers each float in front of its body.

Haunter db


Loops: 6. The user controls the target with its Z-Power and hurts the target with haunter db force. Clash Mini.


It evolves from Gastly starting at level 25 and evolves into Gengar when traded or when exposed to a Linking Cord. It has a round head flanked by three large, spiked protrusions on either side. It has triangular eyes with small pupils and a mouth with a long, pink tongue. The gases composing its head curve into its mouth to form several pointed teeth. Disembodied hands with three clawed fingers each float in front of its body. Its body tapers into a jagged tail. Haunter hides in very dark places, such as caves , and is afraid of light. Once approached it will then lick the victim with its gaseous tongue, inflicting convulsions in the victim that last until death. It can also float through walls. Despite its predatory nature, it has been known to entertain and prank people in the anime.

Haunter db

In total darkness, where nothing is visible, Haunter lurks, silently stalking its next victim. It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering. Your request could not be completed. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact Customer Support. You can visit pokemon. Haunter Height 5' 03" Weight 0. Category Gas Abilities Levitate.

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However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat. The attack varies in intensity. Black owns a Haunter, which evolved from a Gastly. Sleep Talk Move Tutor - Emerald -- -- 10 While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows. Giga Drain. Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. If the user faints, the user's grudge fully depletes the PP of the opponent's move that knocked it out. The user faints upon using this move. Facade TM42 70 20 This attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed. The user can't steal anything if it already holds an item. Hatch time 20 cycles. Catch rate 90 Sludge Wave.

Mime Mr. Cannot be trapped by Arena Trap ability. Takes no damage from Spikes.

Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by the target. Def stats are swapped for five turns. Swagger TM87 -- 85 15 The user enrages and confuses the target. Like Gengar, Haunter may also be based on the Cheshire Cat , as it possesses what may be pointed ears; a large, toothy grin; and the ability to vanish at will. Details of Haunter's egg moves More Moves. Things are grim It can slip through any obstacle. If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack. The user blasts the target with a gust of repulsive wind.

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