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You can change your city from here. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city. Director Atlee Kumar promises a new Hollywood film within three years: 'It took me eight years to reach Bollywood'. Kiara Advani says, 'I've signed two of my biggest films after marrying Sidharth,' as she addresses stereotypes on career for female actors post marriage. Fighter box office collection dips further on Wednesday; Hrithik Roshan starrer mints Rs 60 lakhs on Day Shah Rukh Khan wins the internet with his empowering speech at Women's Premier League ; says 'The rise of queens in their queendom'.

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Low cost, low risk and high efficiency Auto cars and car component units set its pace in Gujarat. Showtimes Today Today Tomorrow. The Times of India.


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Esha Kansara radiates charm in a stunning collection of pics. Kiara Advani says, 'I've signed two of my biggest films after marrying Sidharth,' as she addresses stereotypes on career for female actors post marriage. Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay 2. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city OK. Textiles and Apparels. Ajay Devgn opens up about experiencing paranormal activity in real life; says 'I believe in the idea of evil eye'. The rapidly growing information technology sector is always looking for new venues for development and Gujarat is fast emerging as the next IT hub. Supported by Policy Initiatives by the Government, in addition to cutting and polishing of Diamonds, processing and jewellery design has also gained prominence. You can change your city from here. Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak..? Golden Globe Awards. Did You Know? Nayanthara to Jyotika, best photos of the week. Ooru Peru Bhairavakona 2. Gujarat is on Development of Agro Export Zones.

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Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak..? Gems and Jewellery. Shah Rukh Khan wins the internet with his empowering speech at Women's Premier League ; says 'The rise of queens in their queendom'. The song 'Padkar Kar' adds a Toggle navigation. Textiles and Apparels. Parikshit Tamaliya reveals his love story: Freya and I met in school twelve years ago and started dating—exclusively! The Times of India. Chemicals, Petrochemicals and Pharmaceuticals. Amitabh Bachchan drops cryptic note following Rahul Gandhi's controversial remarks against him; says 'Time for flexibility of the mind'.

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