Hearthstone best wild decks
Home » Wild Decks. Submit your Deck. Category: Wild Decks.
Known mostly for playing Big Priest, you can find MOM most seasons slinging degenerate decks on high legend ladder. DocDelight grew up in Western Canada playing Pokemon, developing a preference for turn-based strategy games that led to his introduction to Hearthstone in Since then, DocDelight has accumulated numerous leaderboard finishes across Wild, Standard, and Classic modes in the Americas region, as well as multiple Wild leaderboard finishes in the Europe and Asia regions. He can often be spotted on ladder piloting full golden decks belonging to Reno or Big archetypes, including his signature Big Shaman. MartianBuu grew up playing paper card games as his favorite pastime, traveling around with his friends to compete in tournaments. MartianBuu started playing Wild upon its release, grinding Legend regularly in both formats. Memnarch has almost exclusively played Wild since the Knights of the Frozen Throne.
Hearthstone best wild decks
Home » Wild Decks. Submit your Deck. Category: Wild Decks. Mine Rogue Legend Score: Reno Priest Legend Score: Reno Quest Mage Legend Score: Reno Druid 4 Legend Score: Renathal Pirate Rogue Legend Score: Reno Druid Legend Score: Miracle Priest Legend — bebop4th. Even Shaman Legend Score: Shadow Priest Legend Score: Quest Mage 95 Legend Score: Togwaggle Druid 87 Legend Score: Renathal Reno Warlock Legend Score:
On top of that, Construct Quarter was recently nerfed for Standard, so what little it has gained recently took a hit.
Home » Wild Decks » Priest. Submit your Deck. Category: Priest. Reno Shadow Priest Legend Score: Zarimi Priest 70 Legend Score: Reno Priest 94 Legend Score: Dragon Priest Legend — LapizzaJaime.
Hearthstone best wild decks
Keep your early game tools to start finding your pieces as fast as possible you can keep Dirty Rat vs heavy combo decks like Quest Mage and Bloodbloom if you have Wheel of Death and you think you'll face a slow deck. The idea is simple: Play Bloodbloom into Wheel of Death as soon as turn 4 you may want to wait longer to get some resources to survive the next 4 turns you have to play without deck. Felstring and Symphony are there to either fill your deck back or deny the fatigue damage. After you destroy your deck, try to survive using the 1-Mana Scavengers and of course, Fanottem, which you can copy with Celestial Proyectionist to build a giant lifesteal wall. The rest of the deck is the classic Warlock wild package with draw and cheap removal. You must be logged in to post a comment. Hearthstone Top Decks. Neutral 8. Rate this Deck Like or Dislike? Take a second to tell us how you feel!
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Even if the Druid can't combo with Astalor or Alexstrasza, Raid Boss Onyxia should swing the board enough to effectively end the game. The archetype has been dead for a while, but it has seen renewed play with the buffs that were given to self-damaging cards. Miracle Rogue 3 Legend Score: Like its name suggests, the archetype's gameplan is built around the Journey to Ungoro Quest Open the Waygate. And with how fast Wild has become, you need to happen to draw the tech card on curve for it to possibly matter. Scourge Illusionist has allowed the deck a new way to combo. The first reason is because it tarnishes the Rommath spell pool. Rank Meta Snapshot 20? The Outcast mechanic grants a bonus when a card is played from the left or right-most spot in the hand. Tier 5 : Fun decks that should only be used if you play Hearthstone for the joy of the gameplay, rather than the joy of winning. Such upgrades include Security!! Volume Up draws three spells and grants a copy of one when its Finale is triggered. This flexible Hero Power can also act as removal against other aggressive strategies. Even Shaman also received an enermous pay-off in Gigantotem, a giant-type minion that costs 1 less for each Totem you summoned.
Energy Shaper was turned from a mediocre card into a powerhouse. While it might not be very popular at lower ranks, the deck is insanely popular in high Legend.
Finally, Secret Mage is heavily dependent on reloading its hand to continue cheating out Secrets and staying ahead. The "Weekly Meta" section analyzes the role of the deck in the current week's meta, and focuses in on the nuances of playing the current week's featured deck variant. Questline Druid is one of the many Druid decks oppressing the format, and the only one that isn't running the Twig of the World Tree and Sphere of Sapience package. Ramp Druid. The hardest part about playing Mech Mage is deciding when to hold back most of your resources for a big Mecha-Shark turn, or when to play out your hand as fast as possible to keep board control and snowball damage. The rest of the set appears to have little synergy with the deck's gameplan, meaning nothing new has made the cut. While it was rereleased with a much steeper requirement than the version Wild had before, many were scared it would still dominate the ladder without a Blightborn Tamsin change, and the verdict is… it stinks. He regularly finishes in the top 10 and has two 1 Legend finishes on the Wild ladder. With most of the focus being on Druid in the current metagame, it's fairly predictable that Big Priest would be in a tough spot as the archetype has usually struggled to deal with what the class is capable of in the past. Reno Priest may be in a bad spot, but even the slightest change to the format could fix that. It doesn't seem as though Festival of Legends brought any inclusions for Aggro Priest, but the play rate of the archetype is also fairly low. Duels Darius Crowley — Fire Away! Pirate Rogue is an aggressive archetype that has seen many variations in the past.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, it is obvious.
There are still more many variants
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