hearthstone top decks

Hearthstone top decks

Toggle navigation Hearthstone Meta Stats. Decklists are selected using machine learning algorithm to give you the best chance to be successful on the ladder. The algorithm takes into account, archetypes, and cards being played on particular ranks, predicted win-rate for archetypes and cards, the number of games etc. Since the meta is still quite fluid this list is updated hourly hearthstone top decks data from last 4 days, hearthstone top decks.

Our Hearthstone meta tier list ranks the top decks for the Showdown in the Badlands and Delve into Deepholm mini-set. We always try to include one of the best deck lists for each archetype. If you win 5 games on the Hearthstone ladder, this is the card back you will receive this month Season :. This list of deck rankings is based on various sources including Vicious Syndicate, HSreplay, as well as our own ladder experience. It Burns!

Hearthstone top decks


Astalor Bloodsworn. It was interesting to read.


Home » Standard Decks. Submit your Deck. Category: Standard Decks. Spell School Mage 1 Legend Score: Drilling Rogue Legend Score: Control Warrior Legend Score:

Hearthstone top decks

Forgot your password? Welcome to our Tier List for Hearthstone. On this page, you will find our Standard decks, ranked from Best S Tier to Worst C Tier , as well as detailed commentary for all the decks, to explain their strengths and weaknesses. Questline Warrior was a menace on the ladder for a large past of the past year and continues to do so with the release of Voyage to the Sunken City. With many powerful new Pirates added, the deck is stronger than ever before, granting it a place in S tier. Questline Warrior is a twist on Aggro Pirate Warrior decks. It uses a constant stream of Pirates to pressure opponents with the added bonus of the Cap'n Rokara and The Juggernaut rewards from the Raid the Docks Questline as an inevitable win condition to close out longer games.

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Deck of lunacy still one of the deck card in spell mage and easy to play.. January 10, at pm. For Example: Not knowing counterspell is not fun. I actually miss priest right now. Hand of A'dal. Malignant Horror. Why are you only posting the lists? Crop Rotation. DH is pretty much all that I play and midrange definitely feels very solid and that its up there with deathrattle. Reno Shaman E. Deepminer Brann. Blast Charge. Tour Guide. Plague Death Knight Astalor Bloodsworn.

Our Hearthstone meta tier list ranks the top decks for the Showdown in the Badlands and Delve into Deepholm mini-set. We always try to include one of the best deck lists for each archetype.

June 8, at pm. My Collection and Click "New Deck". Lingering Zombie. QL Rogue? April 7, at am. Why are you only posting the lists? Deck of lunacy still one of the deck card in spell mage and easy to play.. Stonekeep A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Corpse Bride. November 22, at am.

2 thoughts on “Hearthstone top decks

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