Heather tdi

Heather is a contestant on Total Drama. She is the main antagonist of Total Drama Island.

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. Heather was a camper and the main antagonist of Total Drama Island as a member of the Screaming Gophers. Heather was Total Drama 's first antagonist. Famously manipulative and vicious, Heather knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. Her strategic smarts have proven effective, eliminating a record amount of contestants. She competes with her sights only on the prize money and not on making friends or finding love, using others at her advantage and only being kind when she may ultimately be benefited.

Heather tdi

The mean Alpha Bitch who rules high school in every teen movie, Heather is as ruthless, narcissistic, manipulative, and self-centered as they come. She always knows what she wants and how to get it, with little regard for who she has to hurt or deceive to achieve her goals. Click here to see her Self Demonstrating page, dork! Her parents are thrilled to get her out of the house in her video from home, not just throwing a party, but even selling all her personal belongings though with Heather being a total Hate Sink in the original Island , the audience was likely meant to side with them. Heather also claims in Action that her parents sent her to electroshock therapy as a child to make her nicer. Affectionate Nickname : Her dad calls her "Heather-Feather" in her video message from home. All Take and No Give : Heather's alliances are solely for her benefit. She demands practically everything from Beth and Lindsay while they get nothing in return from Heather, not even gratitude. Alpha Bitch : The series' most definitive example, bullying Lindsay and Beth into doing her bidding during their alliance, and constantly trash-talking Leshawna and Gwen. However, she clashes with Courtney for the position during World Tour , and in All-Stars she clashes with Jo early on for leadership of the Villainous Vultures. Analogy Backfire : Heather: A team without a leader is like a horse without a head! It just runs around blind! Gwen: I'm pretty sure a horse without a head doesn't run anywhere. Most notably during the special after the original Island , when she gets her head stuck in a beaver dam and the beaver takes the opportunity to spank her butt for several minutes. Annoying Younger Sibling : Heather's bio mentions that she has a younger brother named Damien who's not just annoying, but evil at least to Heather.

However, Heather doesn't see it coming and remains aboard the zeppelin when the rocket crashes into the cockpit and explodes. Heather also claims to recognize Alejandro's tactics during a confessional earlier in the episode and ends up on Team Amazonalong with GwenIzzyCodyheather tdi, and Heather tdi.

One of the greatest adversaries the show has ever seen! Know to be the "queen of mean" but how did she come to be like this? Let's start with what happened before the show even started. We never know what caused Heather to be mean but I can guess why it continued. In TDA:Aftermath, Heather mentions that her parents tried electrotherapy on her to try and make her nicer. This may have given her a lot of trauma since that she was being shocked so young. She was constantly hurt by her family so I'm guessing her being mean was a mechanism to fight back, trying to make sure that she could be in control and not get hurt anymore.

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. Heather was a camper and the main antagonist of Total Drama Island as a member of the Screaming Gophers. Heather was Total Drama 's first antagonist. Famously manipulative and vicious, Heather knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. Her strategic smarts have proven effective, eliminating a record amount of contestants. She competes with her sights only on the prize money and not on making friends or finding love, using others at her advantage and only being kind when she may ultimately be benefited. This makes it difficult to differentiate her original, mean girl ways from her true heartfelt moments. Such an example is in Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island , when a tearful Heather tells Harold that she doesn't like "being mean all the time" and it's not fun "being the one everyone hates ". Hawaiian Punch , in which she becomes ecstatic at the thought of being the "good guy", confirms that there is at least some truth to her lament. However, even romance is not enough to tame Heather's desire for victory, as shown by her relationship with Alejandro.

Heather tdi

Heather is a contestant on Total Drama. She is the main antagonist of Total Drama Island. Heather is known by many of her fellow contestants and even some of her friends outside the game to be rude, snobbish, and quite ugly in personality. Heather wears a burgundy red o-ring halter crop top and green cargo shorts with a black belt and burgundy red wedge sandals, pale skin, and waist length black hair. Heather walks out of the shower in the bathroom with a towel on. She starts talking about how she will not be nervous if she is picked to be on the show, and says that she would be extremely comfortable being on national television. She also talks about how great she looks, as opposed to other girls who may have issues with their bodies, and says that maybe they are just not as pretty as her. Then, she adds that if they pick her, she promises high ratings for the show. She then walks away and throws off her towel, off-screen.


Her hair is also back to its original length, which signifies that some time has passed between the third season and the fourth season. In the season finale, The Final Wreck-ening , Heather, along with Alejandro, is chosen by Mal to help him win the finale. Evil Is Petty : She frequently takes opportunities to get under her teammates' skin, such as making Leshawna slice pineapple chunks despite her allergy to them or tearing off Gwen's skirt during a rope-climbing trust exercise. Heather's Total Drama World Tour promo picture. Nominal Hero : Heather ultimately does end up becoming the main hero of World Tour. However, a cameraman comes into the confessional and wrestles the hair from Heather. She talks in Paris in the Springtime and yells at Cody and tells him to take Sierra outside. Her strategic smarts have proven effective, eliminating a record amount of contestants. Chris then reveals that the elimination was fake, and Heather wouldn't be taking the Drop of Shame after all. Heather and Alejandro in first class, as a part of Heather's reward from Rapa Phooey!

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing

When she swore revenge against Gwen for dumping Harold's red ant farm into her bed, Trent pointed out that Heather had read Gwen's diary out loud to the entire world the previous night; she brushed him off. Then, she adds that if they pick her, she promises high ratings for the show. Heather states that she was robbed and that she deserved the money. Token Minority : According to Todd Kaufmann , Heather is Asian though she's technically only half-Asian, since her dad is shown to be Caucasian , and was the only Asian character in the main series until MK's introduction over a decade later. She decided to flirt with Duncan to get Alejandro jealous. The two walk through an underground cave together. When Lindsay questions her motives, Heather simply reveals that her intentions were to keep Leshawna's guard down, emphasizing the importance of "keeping your friends close and your enemies closer". However, Cody doesn't have any underwear on, and she ends up seeing a lot more. In "Not Quite Famous," to punish Gwen for being snarky toward her, she steals the other girl's diary and reads it out loud in front of the entire camp during the talent contest instead of the ballet performance she planned. In the exclusive clip of The Obsta-Kill Kourse , recently-eliminated Alejandro also ended up at the Yukon and is reunited with Heather. This habit seems to have disappeared by the middle of the original Island, as she became more focused on winning. Heather: The guys think they're so stealthy, building their own little alliances. She stated she was this to Alejandro in a Worthy Opponent kind of way in "Awwwwww, Drumheller", in order to get him to help her out when she was wedged up in a hole. Damned by Faint Praise : In "Aftermath Aftermayhem", as part of a challenge, Beth has to make up a haiku about Heather, but it has to be positive.

3 thoughts on “Heather tdi

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