heather watson sexy

Heather watson sexy

Heather Watson put her Wimbledon heartache behind her for a sun-soaked holiday in Mykonos, heather watson sexy, Greece this week. The former British number one heather watson sexy to Instagram to share several stunning photos of her dreamy getaway, including one of her looking phenomenal while sporting a green and white triangle bikini that put her gym-honed physique on display.

By Emma Cary For Mailonline. Heather Watson set pulses racing as she shared stunning bikini snaps with her , Instagram followers on Friday. The tennis star, 30, wowed in an neon orange halter-neck bikini as she enjoyed herself on a trip to Tulum, Mexico. Posing in a crystal clear lake, the athlete flaunted her washboard abs and toned legs. Heather positively glowed as she grinned for the camera, her bronzed skin dazzling under the Mexican sun. She looked carefree and relaxed, with her long dark hair slicked back and wet from a dip in the water. Stunning: Tennis star Heather Watson, 30, wowed her followers with a slew of striking bikini pictures taken during a recent trip to Tulum, Mexico.

Heather watson sexy

By Ellie Phillips For Mailonline. And on Thursday, Heather Watson, 30, flaunted her ripped frame in a skimpy bikini while holidaying in Mykonos, after crashing out of Wimbledon earlier this month. The British tennis ace took to Instagram where she uploaded a slew of snaps from her sundrenched getaway on the Greek island. On Thursday, Heather Watson, 30, flaunted her ripped frame in a skimpy bikini while holidaying in Mykonos, after crashing out of Wimbledon earlier this month. Heather looked incredible as she posed in a tiny green triangle bikini set, leaving her washboard abs and belly button piercing on display. The Guernsey-born sportstar included a snap of her bronzed legs as she enjoyed a tanning session. Heather also shared a shot of herself floating in the clear blue sea, as well as a busty close up post-swim. Elsewhere, the tennis player showcased her chic sense of style when all dressed up in a form fitting red midi dress for dinner on the island. Happy holidays: The British tennis ace took to Instagram where she uploaded a slew of snaps from her sundrenched getaway on the Greek island. And relax!

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Watson , 30, has jetted off to Mykonos for a summer break. And the Guernsey-born ace showed off her toned bikini body as she relaxed by stunning crystal-clear seas on the Greek island. The former British No1 posed in a blue two-piece bikini while she climbed out of the water with her abs on display. Watson posted a series of snaps from her summer getaway to her k Instagram followers. In another picture a sun-kissed Watson posed on her hotel room balcony in a pair of white string trousers ahead of an evening out. She also relaxed by the swimming pool and pouted for the camera as she held some Wimbledon playing cards. Fellow Brit tennis ace Emma Raducanu was left in awe by Watson's gorgeous holiday shots.

By Ellie Phillips For Mailonline. And on Thursday, Heather Watson, 30, flaunted her ripped frame in a skimpy bikini while holidaying in Mykonos, after crashing out of Wimbledon earlier this month. The British tennis ace took to Instagram where she uploaded a slew of snaps from her sundrenched getaway on the Greek island. On Thursday, Heather Watson, 30, flaunted her ripped frame in a skimpy bikini while holidaying in Mykonos, after crashing out of Wimbledon earlier this month. Heather looked incredible as she posed in a tiny green triangle bikini set, leaving her washboard abs and belly button piercing on display. The Guernsey-born sportstar included a snap of her bronzed legs as she enjoyed a tanning session. Heather also shared a shot of herself floating in the clear blue sea, as well as a busty close up post-swim. Elsewhere, the tennis player showcased her chic sense of style when all dressed up in a form fitting red midi dress for dinner on the island.

Heather watson sexy

Heather Watson put her Wimbledon heartache behind her for a sun-soaked holiday in Mykonos, Greece this week. The former British number one took to Instagram to share several stunning photos of her dreamy getaway, including one of her looking phenomenal while sporting a green and white triangle bikini that put her gym-honed physique on display. Heather also shared a snap of her bronzed, toned legs as she relaxed on her private decking, and a gorgeous photo of herself floating on her back in the crystal-clear waters. Other photos included shots of her delicious-looking meals, and her rocking a figure-hugging red midi dress. Captioning the picturesque photos, she cheekily penned: "Oh Mykiii you so fine," alongside a heart emoji. Her fans were quick to react, with many lost for words over her appearance they could only comment with flame and love-struck emojis.

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The celeb-loved weight loss hack that really DOES work! Share or comment on this article: British tennis ace Heather Watson flaunts her ripped frame in a skimpy bikini on Mykonos holiday e-mail. Skip to main content Skip to footer. As a tax raid hits landlords, we reveal which will give YOU a bigger retirement nest egg DO install an electric car charging point She captioned the post: 'Tulum, Taco, and tequilaaaa minus the tequila '. Captioning the picturesque photos, she cheekily penned: "Oh Mykiii you so fine," alongside a heart emoji. Rebel Wilson branded a 'pink princess' by girlfriend Ramona Agruma at Wimbledon. Heather Watson put her Wimbledon heartache behind her for a sun-soaked holiday in Mykonos, Greece this week. Fellow Brit tennis ace Emma Raducanu was left in awe by Watson's gorgeous holiday shots. Stunning: Tennis star Heather Watson, 30, wowed her followers with a slew of striking bikini pictures taken during a recent trip to Tulum, Mexico. How to deal with debt in a divorce: What are you still on the hook for after a marriage ends More than 1, people join Reform UK the day after Lee Anderson's defection from the Tories as the party Music icon will play string of concerts in North America during Sting 3.

By Bethan Edwards For Mailonline. The sporting sensation, 30, posted a slew of stunning snaps from her time away as she posed in a white bikini while standing on the edge of a lake. Heather flaunted her toned abs in a second two-piece, this time a navy strapless one as she climbed along a fallen tree.

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