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Heider telefon
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Fritz Heider 19 February — 2 January [1] was an Austrian psychologist whose work was related to the Gestalt school. In he published The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations , which expanded upon his creations of balance theory and attribution theory. This book presents a wide-range analysis of the conceptual framework and the psychological processes that influence human social perception Malle, It had taken 15 years to complete; before it was completed it had already circulated through a small group of social psychologists. Heider was born in Vienna , Austria on February 19, , but he grew up in Graz. During his childhood, Heider sustained a serious eye injury which later turned him quite serious and shy in his adolescence. With his father's encouragement, Heider enrolled to study architecture at the University of Graz. After growing tired of studying architecture, Heider attempted to study law at Graz as well but eventually became tired of both subjects. Since he really liked to learn for its own sake, he struck a deal with his father and proceeded to audit courses at the university for four years. Afterwards, he traveled to Berlin, where he attended lectures at the Psychology Institute.
Heider telefon
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