hilarious harry potter memes

Hilarious harry potter memes

What a super sophisticated child I was, reading this story about a magical British boarding school. Soon, though… well, we all know what happened next. Cards being banned after kids were attacked in the streets for their holo Charizards?

On occasion, you are bound to run into something that was supposed to be funny, but it ends up making you see things differently. Memes can have that effect, too, as these are made based on franchises that can have multiple interpretations. The Harry Potter series deviated quite significantly when it came to interpreting the books to the movies. This caused a whole set of changes, and there were even some glaring clashes between the two mediums. To highlight that people have created memes granting us the opportunity to interpret the differences is only grazing the surface.

Hilarious harry potter memes

I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Luckily, the movies based on J. After all, with a franchise as beloved as Harry Potter , it seems only natural for fans to continually be looking for ways to reference the series in everyday interactions. Especially in ways that are laugh-out-loud funny. Malfoy Tom Felton steps forward and is forced into one of the most awkward hugs ever depicted on-screen, a moment so hilariously uncomfortable that it instantly cemented its spot in the annals of Harry Potter meme history. Felton himself has even commented on the cringe-inducing embrace. Pretty proud to say I'm probably the only kid that ever hugged Voldemort. Even if it was awkward voldemorthuggedme. Now, the Voldemort hugs Draco meme has become a litmus test for gauging just how awkward a situation is. When that weird relative comes to Thanksgiving Would be better than a hug from voldemort pic. Rowling herself even approved this switch — on one condition. With his dying breath, even Snape famously says as much.

Then again, hilarious harry potter memes, a vast majority of the people asked this question would most certainly have given a similar manner of answer as the cast members had. Maybe all of the evil, the megalomania, the general path of terror and destruction he left in his wake, that sort of thing.

The realm of Harry Potter is a truly magical one, with nuanced characters, complex emotions, and the joys and pains of growing up in an enchanted but flawed world. However, it's not all serious Sirius? The characters tend to do some illogical and downright hilarious things, and fans are quick to make highly amusing memes out of them, especially on Reddit. From Dumbledore's partiality to Gryffindor, to Harry's not-so-secret weapon of Expelliarmus, the only way to truly express how ridiculous some of these events in the Potter verse were is to turn them into everyone's favorite means of online communication: memes. Gryffindor House had its best and worst traits , but to Dumbledore, it was the only house that deserved to win. After a dry spell and no House Cup, Gryffindor started winning every year, even if it was losing, after Harry took admission — mainly because the Headmaster was very generous with last minute points to get them in the lead. The practice was sweet the first time around, but when he did it every year, it just became obvious favoritism.

Harry Potter has remained a classic for decades. It was a part of every Zoomer or Millennial's childhood, and it'll always have a special place in our hearts. The fantasy world of Harry Potter allows us to pretend the real world doesn't exist for just a little while, and maybe start up a debate about whether or not Snape was a bad guy, or whether or not Dumbledore was the real villain all along. Whether you're a fan of the books or the movies or the video games , Harry Potter fans are still finding ways to enjoy the series in the modern day. Despite numerous controversies involving author J. Rowling , it's still going strong. If you're a fan of the saga, we've got the perfect memes for you to enjoy, long before that new TV series comes out. Maybe they'll help you through the wait. Source: Reddit.

Hilarious harry potter memes

I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Luckily, the movies based on J. After all, with a franchise as beloved as Harry Potter , it seems only natural for fans to continually be looking for ways to reference the series in everyday interactions. Especially in ways that are laugh-out-loud funny. Malfoy Tom Felton steps forward and is forced into one of the most awkward hugs ever depicted on-screen, a moment so hilariously uncomfortable that it instantly cemented its spot in the annals of Harry Potter meme history. Felton himself has even commented on the cringe-inducing embrace. Pretty proud to say I'm probably the only kid that ever hugged Voldemort. Even if it was awkward voldemorthuggedme.

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The awkward moment where "you have your mother's eyes" your entire life but your mother actually has brown eyes??? Establish them Rowling did. He did it himself, too. This meme was never made with the intention of interpretation. He was the perfect candidate. Clearly, J. Cerberus his freaking self-lives over there. So, they took to Reddit to express their displeasure in the funniest way possible, using Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as the conduit for their sarcasm. When it comes to taking exams, in particular, I think you can understand exactly what I mean. But it can also be flipped on its head when you want to exuberantly praise various online going-ons. Dobby is completely absent from the third movie to the sixth. However, the films spin a different tale. Surely he must make some mistakes. Trying to get his Avada Kadavra on for the third time that evening, his spell rebounded off of the Boy Who Lived, because he was rubber and Voldemort was glue.

What a super sophisticated child I was, reading this story about a magical British boarding school. Soon, though… well, we all know what happened next. Cards being banned after kids were attacked in the streets for their holo Charizards?

After a dry spell and no House Cup, Gryffindor started winning every year, even if it was losing, after Harry took admission — mainly because the Headmaster was very generous with last minute points to get them in the lead. Other than that business at St. Control yourself, guy. That book would be pretty handy in that situation. Even so, channels like Comedy Central keep pumping out endless re-runs. Via buzzfeed. How To Spot Dumbledore. Via 9gag. Lewis himself has even said that he was worried he was going to be recast. One of the most underrated characters in Harry Potter , Horace Slughorn was basically everyone in Fittingly, this is one specific scenario where using communication methods such as telephone or e-mail may not have been the most proficient, not to mention compromising on Sirius' behalf. The two had been really close for the first three years of their friendship, bonding almost instantly upon meeting aboard the Hogwarts Express their first year. The new Dumbledore we got starting from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was a more commanding figure than the first two movies. It might seem like a cruel slight at Harry, who only ever wanted to feel at home at Hogwarts, but this response is factually appropriate. The meme does this and creates a scenario where Fawkes the Phoenix commands an order for dinner with the Golden Trio delivering the Order of the Phoenix to him.

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