Himawari adulto

Check it out if you're not afraid to shed a few tears. Consulta la lista de idiomas disponibles antes de realizar la compra, himawari adulto.

She is a precocious and vibrant infant. While technically newborn, her character has matured and grown more intelligent during her stay in the series. She can't talk. In Super-Dimension! The Storm Called My Bride Himawari appears as approximately 20 years old, and has became a police officer in the future. She is similar to her mother in her utterly stubborn pursuit of handsome young men who catch her eye, not unknown to her older brother, who soon discovered that a way to pacify her was to put on a cutout mask of a popular and handsome actor. She possesses a palpable lust for shiny objects jewels and precious metals and brand-name goods, being able to differentiate a real jewel from a simple piece of imitation and throwing away the latter.

Himawari adulto


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Himawari is the second and youngest child of Naruto and Hinata Uzumaki , born two years after her brother, Boruto. On the day that Naruto was to be inaugurated as the Seventh Hokage , Himawari wanted to bring her panda toy to the ceremony, but Boruto, fearing that he would end up carrying it, tried to take it away from her. When the toy's head was ripped off in the ensuing tug-of-war, Himawari awoke her Byakugan and attacked Boruto in her anger, despite his vehement apologies. Naruto, sensing her killing intent , arrived and shielded Boruto, though he was knocked out in the process. Fearful of what an attack that could defeat his father would do to him, Boruto tried to run from Himawari, but she quickly located her brother hiding in a closet. From then on, he vowed to never anger her again. Himawari is a cheerful and considerate girl. This also extends to strangers, such as when she gave up her Kurama toy to a boy, believing that he needed it more than her. Likewise, she shows a strong affinity towards animals, able to approach most wild beasts calmly and with acceptance from them. She is also considerate about the future.

Himawari adulto

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Sign In Register. She still makes the same face when she sees a guy. At the same time, following the unforeseen death of Amamiya Daigo -- the astronaut once lauded as a hero -- the field of space development entered a period of stagnation. Current Wiki. Editor: MangaGamer. Todos los precios incluyen IVA donde sea aplicable. Youichi, unable to leave Aries to fend for herself, decides to take the girl in, and so the two begin their new lives under the same roof Puede que este juego te interese:. Her name means "sunflower", which are occasionally seen on her clothing and toys. Etiquetas populares para este producto:. The winner of that draw was Shin-Chan , who had chosen this name for her. While Shinnosuke appears to be slacking off when taking care of Himawari, Masao takes care of her in an episode. Intervalo de fechas. Other Navigation.

Himawari Uzumaki is a young girl who appears in the anime Naruto Shippuden. She is also a descendant of the Uzumaki clan and the Hyuga clan, two of the most prominent clans in Konohagakure.

Other Navigation. Himawari Nohara. Compartir Insertar. Sign In Register. Check it out if you're not afraid to shed a few tears. Cambiar idioma. Her name means "sunflower", which are occasionally seen on her clothing and toys. Ver centro de contenido. Two years later, in , Hinata Youichi attends high school as the sole survivor of the crash, his memories lost from the shock caused by the accident. At the end of the episode Masao walks back to his home during sunset.

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