Home assistant tuya integration
I have a bunch of Tuya based devices lamps, power plugs, smart breakers and having read the HA Green promise about local solution and privacy, I bought HA Green. Now I learned that the integrate Tuya devices I have to set up a Tuya cloud account, home assistant tuya integration. There are a few local Tuya integrationa that will work after obtaining a local key for your device… Straightforward it is not. Getting the key can be complicated.
You can check this article if you setting up Home Assistant OS for the first time or this article if you want to set up Home Assistant Container. Next, make sure to connect the plug to a power outlet and then connect some device to it such that it's consuming some energy. It could be your phone charger actively charging your mobile phone. We would be using the values of the energy consumption that shows up in the Smart Life app to properly configure the plug in Local Tuya. With this done we will search for this plug which is connected to your Wifi network using the Local Tuya integration. Here, specify any project name, any industry, any development method, and then any data center that you wish. For this, open the power consumption section in the Smart Life app and check the current consumption values.
Home assistant tuya integration
Hello guys, I have just updated to HA Having a developer account with Tuya is no longer required; instead, you can scan a QR code with your Tuya Smart or Smart Life app to authenticate it with Home Assistant. Tried to use my iPad app, which shows the QR-code properly. Also Firefox works and shows QR-code. The issue is with Chrome, which I normally use because it has more compatibility with HA. You likely use a custom theme. Switch to the default theme and then this should work. Can you explain how??? Befor the integration worked fine. In the Smart Life app, click the plus button in the top right, there should be three options in the drop down list, click Scan and you are good to go. Nothing, I have the same problem, empty white QR image, not even a white image on the app. Both Firefox and Chrome same problem.
We really appreciate your contributions and awesome ideas to this project. This integration only supports the basic product categories, such as switches, lights, fans, thermometers, and hygrometers.
Last Updated on : download. The Smart Life integration is currently a beta version. If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please open an issue on GitHub to let us know. You have installed Home Assistant on Docker Desktop. For more information about installing Home Assistant on Docker, see the official guide. Run Home Assistant.
Tuya has developed a new HA integration called Smart Life , available for free to developers. Currently in beta testing, it eliminates the need to register a cloud development project on Tuya IoT platform and extend the Tuya cloud development IoT Core Service resources when expired. This significantly lowers the access barrier and enhances user experience. If you're interested, please check the following links to get started with the integration:. We are announcing that the Tuya v2 integration hosted on this repository is no longer maintained by the Tuya Developer Team. Only the related documentation will be provided in this repository, as shown below:. Here is the official Tuya Home Assistant integration. If you want to contribute to the Tuya integration, please directly create issues or pull requests in the Home Assistant Core repository. If you want to contribute to the documentation, please create issues or pull requests in this repo.
Home assistant tuya integration
You have created a cloud project of Smart Home type on the Tuya IoT Development Platform , added at least one real device or one virtual device, and authorized your project to use the required API services. Note : If your cloud project was created before May 25, , you need to perform project migration. Note : Only Home Assistant Enter localhost into the address bar in your browser and hit Enter to connect to Home Assistant. Click Overview in the sidebar on the left. You will find all the smart devices linked to your cloud project created on the Tuya IoT Development Platform. Skip to content. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
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Hello to everyone in this community I have the same problem. Nothing, I have the same problem, empty white QR image, not even a white image on the app. You can then set it up right away. Insufficient API permissions. Last Updated on : download. Branches Tags. You can give feedback on issues you encounter for the documentation via GitHub Issue. Kaaremi Mikko December 9, , am 1. You signed out in another tab or window. If you have already signed up for the developer account at iot. Go to Docs Center.
This topic describes how to use the new version of the Tuya Home Assistant integration. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install the Tuya official Home Assistant integration and control smart devices. For more information, see Migrate from old project.
For more information about the quota, see Pricing. Customer Service. He is a Smart Home and Home Assistant enthusiast, and would like to help make the Tuya integration the best it can be. Befor the integration worked fine. As for LocalTuya here is how I reliably do it for years: If you have already signed up for the developer account at iot. API Reference. Authors Name Amrut Prabhu Twitter amrutprabhu License MIT license. The issue is with Chrome, which I normally use because it has more compatibility with HA. If your cloud project was created before May 25, , you need to perform project migration. Marketing Cooperation. Online Support. Help Center. You can try unlinking your Smart Life app account from the cloud project. I have tried removing the HA dark theme, I am already using the Chrome default.
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It is similar to it.