Honeywell thermostat fan circulate setting
The blower helps circulate hot or cold air throughout your home until the temperature on the thermostat is reached.
It's not uncommon for a Honeywell thermostat fan won't turn off but an HVAC fan that won't turn off and runs on its own for hours can be indicative of a problem. In addition to the annoying sound, if a fan is running continuously, it will add to your energy bill and also reduce the lifetime of your equipment. In this article, I walk through 8 troubleshooting steps, starting with the most common reason: incorrect fan settings on your thermostat. At SmartHomePerfected we always advise readers not to undertake any work they are not competent in performing and if, in any doubt, it is best to seek the assistance of a professional. Under normal conditions, the fan only turns on when the thermostat signals a need for increased airflow to maintain your desired temperature.
Honeywell thermostat fan circulate setting
Remember Me? What's New? Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 15 of Thread: Thermostat with air circulation feature? Thermostat with air circulation feature? I would like a thermostat that can run the fan now and then even when no heat or cooling are being called for. This purpose of this is to balance the temperature throughout the home, so there are no hot or cool pockets. I know I can just leave the fan "on," but the ones with the circulation features apparently work as well and save some money because you run the blower less and the filters last longer, too. Any recommendations? I've looked at some of the wifi units but I really don't know if I want that. I'd just as soon have a thermostat with if possible a three-position fan switch: On, Auto, Circulate.
The purpose of this is to turn the indoor fan on and open all zone dampers as long as the are no other competing calls. The Circ setting, on the other hand, makes the fan run intermittently, approximately 20 minutes per hour.
Please enter the name by which you would like to log-in and be known on this site. Please enter a password for your user account. Note that passwords are case-sensitive. Remember Me? Results 1 to 9 of 9. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Circulate Fan Mode - Gimmick or Good?
The circ option on a honeywell thermostat is a setting that allows the fan to run independent of the heating and cooling function. A Honeywell thermostat can have 3 different fan settings depending on the model. We are going to look at each of these settings and their functions shortly. Read also: Can you run fan only without AC on thermostat. The Auto mode is the normal setting for a system fan. This setting will allow the system fan to operate whenever there is a call for heating or cooling system from the thermostat.
Honeywell thermostat fan circulate setting
It's not uncommon for a Honeywell thermostat fan won't turn off but an HVAC fan that won't turn off and runs on its own for hours can be indicative of a problem. In addition to the annoying sound, if a fan is running continuously, it will add to your energy bill and also reduce the lifetime of your equipment. In this article, I walk through 8 troubleshooting steps, starting with the most common reason: incorrect fan settings on your thermostat. At SmartHomePerfected we always advise readers not to undertake any work they are not competent in performing and if, in any doubt, it is best to seek the assistance of a professional. Under normal conditions, the fan only turns on when the thermostat signals a need for increased airflow to maintain your desired temperature. This means that the fan will work in tandem with your HVAC system, circulating the hot or cold air depending on your temperature setting and switching off when the desired temperature is reached. However, if your best Honeywell thermostat fan refuses to turn off, there could be a problem with the communication between the thermostat and the fan, or a hardware malfunction within the fan itself. In both cases, this can lead to wasted energy and increased wear on your system.
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Posts When the thermostat is set to Auto, the fan will continue to run in tandem with the heat or cool system anytime they are turned on. Have questions or need service on your HVAC system? All times are GMT Also, let's not forget that a stubborn fan can be a sign of more significant concerns. There are two settings on your thermostat to control the fan — auto or on. Or "money",or whatever. New 3ton heat pump with electric strip. The air could be cleaner in your home if it is pulled through a filtration or UV light system. Extreme Temperatures. And I apologize - "gimmick" was too strong of word around the air circulation. Check if your thermostat requires a C-wire to operate. All times are GMT In this article, I walk through 8 troubleshooting steps, starting with the most common reason: incorrect fan settings on your thermostat.
Hold: When using a schedule or geofencing, the thermostat enables the Hold feature. When Geofencing is enabled, Permanent Hold is disabled. Temporary Hold — Adjust the temperature setting on your thermostat display.
Email Address: Please enter a valid email address for yourself. The nice thing abotu the circ fan mode on some fo the White Rodgers, it won't circulate the fan for the first 60 minutes after the equipment has run. Also check for any loose connections, or damaged or exposed wires. As a result, technicians frequently rebuild the fan wire as the C-wire, leaving no wire connected to the G terminal. I have a thermostat on that zone that has a circulate mode. Errors The following errors occurred with your submission. Show Comments Close Comments. No endorsement of prothermostats, never heard of them before I googled for your thermostat. Method 5: Limit Switch Functionality Step 1. If the Honeywell thermostat fan won't turn off, try changing the fan settings through the app:. Daniel Walsh Posted May 30, at am. A clogged filter also makes your blower work hard and use more energy.
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