Hooded justice
Hooded Justice was the first person to become a masked vigilante. Never appearing without his mask on, his identity was a mystery to even his fellow Minutemenand his lover, Captain Metropolis, hooded justice.
These characters were originally based on the Mighty Crusaders [1] and then reworked in an unsolicited proposal to fit superhero properties DC had acquired from Charlton Comics in the early s. Since the publisher planned to integrate Charlton's superheroes into the main DC Universe and the script would have made many of them unusable for future stories, series writer Alan Moore eventually agreed to create original characters. Moore wished the main characters to present six "radically opposing ways" to perceive the world, and to give readers of the story the privilege of determining which one was most morally comprehensible. The protagonists of Watchmen were reused in the prequel series Before Watchmen , which also gave backstories to several minor characters from the original graphic novel, and introduced new characters. Later on, several Watchmen characters reappeared in the limited series Doomsday Clock , bringing them into the main DC Universe. The television series Watchmen is set in the same canon as the limited series, taking place in in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Hooded justice
One of the most notable mysteries from the original Watchmen that has never been fully answered is the identity - and fate - of that world's first vigilante, Hooded Justice. Since Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons never fully answered some key questions about the masked vigilante, that mystery has allowed future creators in comics and beyond to expand on his story in unexpected ways. Now, we're taking a look back at what we know about Hooded Justice from his appearances in the original series, his appearances in Before Watchmen and his role in the HBO Watchmen series. In late , he became a hero in New York City. Within a year, he'd joined the newly formed Minutemen, a group of like-minded individuals trying to be superheroes in a crime-infested New York. While he secretly entered a romance with his teammate Captain Metropolis, he openly carried on a show-relationship with the original Silk Spectre. This connection meant that when Comedian was found attempting to sexually assault Spectre, Hooded Justice relentlessly beat him to a bloody pulp - something the Comedian never forgot. After the House of Un-American Activities Committee started targeting costumed crimefighters in , Hooded Justice disappeared, with even his fellow superheroes seemingly left in the dark about his whereabouts or even his true identity. Ozymandias later investigated his disappearance and discovered evidence that after becoming a government operative, the Comedian had targeted Hooded Justice and -- when it became apparent the government wouldn't approve his vendetta against the former hero -- possibly hunted him down and killed him. Before Watchmen: Minutemen by Darwyn Cooke explored a fuller history of the Minutemen than even Mason had ever revealed to the world, including the eventual fate of Hooded Justice. After the death of his former teammate Silhouette, Comedian decided to continue her investigation into a series of child murders. He quickly hunted the man down and killed him, completing Silouhette's final case.
Though Trieu is able to destroy Manhattan before this, hooded justice, the squids destroy the centrifuge and kill Trieu before the transfer of power can hooded justice complete. Metropolis was involved in a sexual relationship with Hooded Justice.
Hooded Justice's origin is never revealed. There are many hints throughout the book that he is in fact Rolf Muller. None of the characters in Watchmen ever saw his face with the exception of Captain Metropolis. He was a member of the Minutemen. The rape attempt was prevented by Hooded Justice and in his anger he attacked The Comedian. During the beating, the Comedian mocks Hooded Justice saying he enjoys beating people and is sexually aroused by it, eventually forcing Hooded Justice to stop. It is implied that he was in a homosexual relationship with Captain Metropolis.
The ending of Watchmen 's spectacular premiere episode created a fog of questions around Will Reeves , the show's mysterious old man who may or may not have hanged a police chief. Who is he? How the hell did he climb a tree? Does he possess super-strength? We know that, in the world of Watchmen , there is only one hero capable of superhuman abilities. And that guy, allegedly, lives on Mars.
Hooded justice
This article contains major Watchmen spoilers. So who is Nelson Gardner, and what do we know about Captain Metropolis? Additional information about Captain Metropolis can be found in the Before Watchmen: Minutemen prequel by Darwyn Cooke and two Watchmen supplements for a DC Heroes roleplaying game from the s, which happens to feature the only additional information about the Watchmen universe ever approved by Alan Moore.
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Hooded Justice is the first masked vigilante, often initialled "H. Design-wise, he resembles Black Hood and Hangman. Nite Owl and Mothman both fell for this trick and went after Hooded Justice in an attempt to bring him down. With Laurie as their prisoner and Looking Glass hiding amongst its ranks, the Seventh Kavalry sent out invites to the Cyclops leadership to meet with them at an abandoned building where all was revealed to them by Joe Keene. Manhattan's interview with Ted Koppel and reveals that several of his coworkers died of cancer, presumably from Manhattan. Long's own outlook and marriage. He is single-handedly responsible for the shift to electric-powered vehicles by synthesizing the needed elements and chemicals himself and Veidt credits him with causing a huge leap forward in myriad areas of science and technology. Krause Publications. Bourquin dies when Veidt's monster appears in New York. He started following Nite Owl II, only to be ignored. In the retconned world of Before Watchmen , it is obviously not the case. It is also revealed that Rorschach met Nite Owl on Dan's very first patrol and offered his assistance as a partner to the young rookie hero. One of the most notable mysteries from the original Watchmen that has never been fully answered is the identity - and fate - of that world's first vigilante, Hooded Justice.
This article contains major Watchmen spoilers. The first episode of Watchmen focused primarily on establishing the of its world, and making certain new characters got sufficient introductions, and as unencumbered by the legacy elements of the comic as they could possibly be.
This led to Reeves becoming disillusioned to his role, staying behind when his wife and son returned to Tulsa. Phillips that knew a younger Jon Osterman. The rest of the Kavalry and the Cyclops leadership are subsequently killed by Lady Trieu. Not much is known about his past. Use your keyboard! Tweet Clean. Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. In the retcon we learn that Hollis Mason, mistakenly believing him to be Muller, attacked Hooded Justice and snapped his neck, killing him. This will likely increase the time it takes for your changes to go live. Pirate Jenny portrayed by Jessica Camacho is a member of the Tulsa Police Department who wears a pirate -themed outfit. Metropolis was involved in a sexual relationship with Hooded Justice. In the film, Hooded Justice was portrayed by Glenn Ennis who speaks the character's few lines with a subtle German accent. Will slaughters the Cyclops loyalists and destroys the warehouse. Despite his compliance, he is that night attacked in his home by Kavalry members.
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