horses of god film complet

Horses of god film complet

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Ya khayl Allah is Moroccan drama film about the Casablanca bombings. The film won several awards, and was Morocco's submission for the 85th Academy Awards held in February The film opens in Yachine whose real name is Tarek , [a] his violent older brother Hamid, [b] and Yachine's friends Nabil son of Tamou, a local prostitute and singer , [c] pot -smoking Fouad, and Khalil live in extreme poverty in Sidi Moumen , a shanty town on the edge of Casablanca in Morocco. Hamid earns money by acting as a drug mule. The boys steal liquor from Khalil's father's wedding, and Hamid rapes a drunk Nabil in front of the others.

Horses of god film complet


Release date February 13, Belgium.


Retrouvez plus d'infos sur notre page Revue de presse pour en savoir plus. Les Chevaux de Dieu. De Nabil Ayouch. Par Jamal Belmahi. Mes amis. Envie de voir. Regarder ce film.

Horses of god film complet

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Horses of God Original title: Les chevaux de Dieu. Play trailer

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Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. FAQ Box office Edit. Yachine kills Ba'Moussa after the drunk man attempts to rape Nabil. Abou Zoubeir flees as the police close in on the cell, and the attack is moved to 16 May. ISSN An extensive montage depicts the radicalization of the friends. It merely shows the mechanics of it. Abdelilah Rachid Hamid. Play trailer Featured review. Top Gap. There is a feeling of abandonment: These young people have the impression of being second-class citizens.

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

More to explore. When the leader tells them they are selected for a special assignment, they feel honoured. Nabil is later depicted applying his mother's lipstick to his mouth, strongly implying that he is, in fact, homosexual. Trailer Nabil's motivation is less clear, but appears to be an attempt to shed his homosexuality. They prepare extensively for their mission by shaving, washing, setting watches, and receiving their bombs. End titles describe the Casablanca bombings, where they occurred, and how many people died. So why did these young terrorists carry out such gruesome attacks in their own city? New Customer? Religious zealots force Tamou to leave town. Release date February 13, Belgium. Bouchaib Saakine Fouad as a child. The five men drive into the foothills near Casablanca, which Tarek, Nabil, and Fouad have never seen before. Horses of God deals with many themes, including radicalization , terrorism , poverty , machismo , and sexuality.

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