hot ronda rousey pics

Hot ronda rousey pics

Ronda Rousey aka Hot ronda rousey pics Jean Rousey is an American professional wrestler, actress, farmer, mother and former mixed martial artist under contract to WWE who performs on the Raw brand. Check out 11 hot photos of Ronda Rousey. You can follow Ronda Rousey on Instagram and Twitter.

Pics gallery. By Daily Star. Ronda Rousey hangs out with her team Image: Ronda Rousey 5 of An onlooker relaxes as Ronda swims Image: Ronda Rousey 11 of Ronda wears a glove with an inscription translated as 'I'm little but I'm strong' Image: Ronda Rousey 12 of Ronda Rousey has agreed to be a full-time wrestler Image: Ronda Rousey 15 of

Hot ronda rousey pics

Ronda "Rowdy" Rousey is a total badass in and out of the ring. The year-old athlete became the first woman to win the UFC Women's Bantamweight Championship in , and ever since then, Ronda has been taking the mixed martial arts world by storm, breaking barriers for women everywhere. In addition to getting down in the ring, Ronda has also dabbled in modeling; in , she was featured in Sports Illustrated 's Swimsuit Issue wearing nothing but body paint. Today, we're celebrating Ronda by taking a look at her sexiest moments. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Sep 24, at am PDT. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Feb 12, at pm PST. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Nov 26, at pm PST. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Dec 18, at pm PST. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Jul 24, at pm PDT. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Jun 2, at am PDT.

Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson fight rules 'revealed' — and fans won't like them. Adult star Sophia Leone, 26, dies after being found unresponsive at her apartment.


Ronda Rousey endured a tough childhood marked by speech problems and her father's suicide. She became a judo champion, earning back-to-back golds at the Pan American Championships and a Olympic bronze medal. Rousey joined the mixed martial arts circuit in , earning fame as the UFC Bantamweight Champion, before suffering her first loss in November In January , she announced her move to the WWE pro-wrestling circuit. Born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, Rousey nearly died from a lack of oxygen and sustained slight brain damage, which impeded her ability to speak an intelligible word until she was six. A tragedy fell upon the family when Rousey's dad, Ron, broke his back while sledding with his daughters. A blood disorder prevented him from healing properly, and after learning he would be a paraplegic then regress to a quadriplegic in the few years he had left to live, he committed suicide when Rousey was eight. Rousey struggled in class and was homeschooled for parts of elementary and high school, but she found an outlet for her frustration when her mom, AnnMaria De Mars, persuaded her to learn judo.

Hot ronda rousey pics

The UFC fighter-turned-international superstar posted two new photos to Instagram on Wednesday from her Sports Illustrated swimsuit shoot, wearing nothing but a painted on one-piece fashioned to look like the face of a snow leopard. We can't tell if this is "Blue Steel" or "Magnum," but she's got the whole looking off into space thing down pat. Rousey dropped the first photo to Instagram on Tuesday before appearing on "Ellen" to talk about her loss to Holly Holm and much more. Sign In. Premier Boxing Champions. Motor Sports.

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Check out these hot photos of Zelina Vega, an American professional wrestler, actress, cosplayer, gamer and Street Fighter 6 commentator under contract to WWE who performs on the SmackDown brand. Hot Harley Cameron Photos. Ronda Rousey hangs out with her team Image: Ronda Rousey 5 of Top Stories. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Jul 13, at am PDT. Rosario Dawson. Glastonbury Festival. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on May 7, at pm PDT. Hot Dakota Kai Photos. You May Also Like.

The first problem with was that, aside from the folks who were already hard-core mixed martial arts fans and followed every single promotion out there, not many people had seen female mixed martial artists in action. With that, not many folks knew how entertaining, or if it would be entertaining at all, to watch these women punching each other inside an octagon.

In the News. A post shared by rondarousey rondarousey on Apr 27, at pm PDT. Ronda Rousey aka Ronda Jean Rousey is an American professional wrestler, actress, farmer, mother and former mixed martial artist under contract to WWE who performs on the Raw brand. Pentagon give update on UFO search as they continue looking for extra-terrestrial life. Cocaine dealer's boast of 'proper organised crime bro' backfires as empire crumbles. Bayley is an American professional wrestler, professional traveler, professional cat mom, professional jeep owner, role model and San Francisco 49ers fan under contract to WWE who performs on the SmackDown The Apprentice star calls for arrests as fry-up lovers go to war over baked beans. You may also like Sex toys. By Daily Star.

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