How many lb in a stone
Use our stone to lbs converter if you want to convert mass in stones to lbs. You can also use our calculator to convert mass in lbs to stones.
Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made in building our calculator tools, we are not to be held liable for any damages or monetary losses arising out of or in connection with their use. Full disclaimer. Use our calculator to convert between stone and pounds st, lb , all of which are measurements of mass and weight. You can also use our handy weight reference chart. Here's what's on this page There are 14 pounds lb in one stone. If you have a weight in pounds and want to express it in stone, divide the number of pounds by
How many lb in a stone
Just type a weight into either the pounds box or into the stones and pounds boxes to convert between American and British weights. This anomaly in the way people measure their weight on either side of the Atlantic came about in when the stone was formally adopted into the British Imperial Avoirdupois weight system. This act also changed the quarter, hundredweight and ton to be a whole number of stones. As US independence came in , before this act of parliament, the American system of weights wasn't changed to incorporate the stone. Thus Americans generally give their weight in pounds and the British, and many people in other former British colonies, give their weight in stones and pounds. Your body mass index BMI gives a way to identify whether you are too light, about right or too heavy. It is calculated as your body mass weight divided by your height squared with the calculation being done in kilograms and metres so you need to convert if you use pounds and stones. There is a good body mass index calculator here together with an explanation of what the numbers mean. The following table gives results for commonly sought pounds to stones and pounds conversions.
This act also changed the quarter, hundredweight and ton to be a whole number of stones.
The stone or stone weight abbreviation: st. England and other Germanic -speaking countries of Northern Europe formerly used various standardised "stones" for trade, with their values ranging from about 5 to 40 local pounds 2. With the advent of metrication , Europe's various "stones" were superseded by or adapted to the kilogram from the midth century onward. The name "stone" derives from the use of stones for weights, a practice that dates back into antiquity. There was no standardised "stone" in the ancient Jewish world, [8] but in Roman times stone weights were crafted to multiples of the Roman pound. STONE also denotes a certain quantity or weight of some commodities. A stone of beef, in London, is the quantity of eight pounds; in Hertfordshire, twelve pounds; in Scotland sixteen pounds.
Please provide values below to convert stone US to pound [lbs], or vice versa. Definition: A stone symbol: st is an English and imperial unit of mass. It is defined as 14 pounds or 6. Standardized stones were historically used for trade in England as well as some countries in northern Europe. In England, the stone had multiple definitions throughout history, based on the commodity and on local standards. In , the stone was standardized to be used for wool at a weight of 14 pounds, and in , the United Kingdom adopted this definition for use in the imperial system. Current use: The stone as a unit of mass is used mostly in the United Kingdom for measuring body weight. Most other countries measure body weight in kilograms, and in some cases, in pounds. Definition: A pound symbol: lb is a unit of mass used in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
How many lb in a stone
Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made in building our calculator tools, we are not to be held liable for any damages or monetary losses arising out of or in connection with their use. Full disclaimer. Use our calculator to convert between stone and pounds st, lb , all of which are measurements of mass and weight. You can also use our handy weight reference chart. Here's what's on this page There are 14 pounds lb in one stone. If you have a weight in pounds and want to express it in stone, divide the number of pounds by
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A stone of beef, in London, is the quantity of eight pounds; in Hertfordshire, twelve pounds; in Scotland sixteen pounds. PMID In England, merchants traditionally sold potatoes in half-stone increments of 7 pounds. Quick Search:. Scottish Archive Network. Table of contents: What is a stone unit of weight? Retrieved 7 February If you have any suggestions or queries about this conversion tool, please contact us. How much is 18 stones in lbs? Conversions are rounded. Dresden [44]. JSTOR United Kingdom: House of Lords. To convert stone to lbs or lbs to stones, you can follow the instructions below: To convert stones to lbs: You can get the mass in pounds by multiplying the mass in stones by Amsterdam [44].
Our Stone Calculator is designed to make it easy for you to figure out exactly how much stone you need.
For example, the Belfast stone for measuring flax equaled The " stone " has been a common measure of weight in north-western Europe. Try this helium balloons calculator! In Australia and New Zealand, metrication has entirely displaced stones and pounds since the s. Did you not find the conversion you are looking for? The stone or stone weight abbreviation: st. Stockholm [45]. Use our calculator to convert between stone and pounds st, lb , all of which are measurements of mass and weight. The Scottish stone was equal to 16 Scottish pounds 17 lb 8 oz avoirdupois or 7. Retrieved 28 June Our Weights and Measures. Categories : Units of mass Customary units of measurement Imperial units. However, it may be that you want to convert to stone and pounds instead of a decimal stone figure.
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