How old is princess bubblegum from adventure time

She made her first appearance in the animated short " Adventure Time! Princess Bubblegum is Finn 's former love interest. She is Ice King 's most targeted Princess.

Princess Bubblegum is the current incarnation of the Candy Elemental. Which is comparable to the inhabitants of the Candy Kingdom, who are all composed of types of desserts and candies. She rules over the Candy Kingdom , but in the Season 6 episode " Hot Diggity Doom " the first part of the season's finale , an election was held and she lost to the King of Ooo by a landslide. As a result, she no longer ruled the Candy Kingdom and the King of Ooo replaced her as the new ruler until a rebellion against King of Ooo allowed her to reclaim the throne in " The Dark Cloud ". In the aforementioned episode, the Mother Gum served as an ally for the titular characters by providing Simon with the soup he wanted for the young Marceline.

How old is princess bubblegum from adventure time

For her to become younger for the course of only a singular episode may seem like a desperate attempt to latch onto the status quo, but I actually see it as a way of expanding the depth of her character for a short bit of time. Too Young is one I really love; it takes full advantage of the social experiment introduced in the season two finale, even if we only get to watch it for a short period of time. This is legitimately the one time we get to see what Finn desires most of all: his feelings for the princess being reciprocated. The relationship between the two of them is overly cutesy, but rightfully so. I really love just watching the two of them act like thirteen-year-old kids together. Marceline is thousands of years old, BMO takes on the age of an infant at times, LSP is arguably late into her teen years, and even Tree Trunks is ancient. This is finally an opportunity for Finn to be especially childish, mischievous, and enjoy the company of someone on the same level as him by his side. Of course, this is also the introduction of the one-and-only Lemongrab, voiced superbly by Justin Roiland. Not beating around the bush, Lemongrab is one my favorites. They handled him much like any character should be handled: as a character, not a means of making merchandise or slewing funny phrases. This episode is also riddled with terrific gags and slapstick. Although I felt bad for Lemongrab when he was ambushed, I still find it hilarious when PB and Finn casually beat the shit out of him. Also, apparently food comes from Mars! Steve Little actually ad libbed that bit and the show just kind of rolled with it.

PB loves ruling her people, but the stress of constantly having to deal with every situation that occurs with the Candy People can be damaging to her wellbeing. In " Apple Wedding ", she wears a pink dress with a yellow flower on it as a broach.

Martin Betty Grof Prismo. What Have You Done? I Remember You The Lich. Princess Bubblegum full name Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum,[1] often called PB and on occasion Bonnie, Peebles, P-Bubs, or other nicknames is a main character and the most occurring Princess on the series Adventure Time who first appeared in the animated short. She is a scientist, inventor, and royalty. In addition, she is also the creator of all Candy People and the Candy Kingdom over which she rules.

Princess Bonnibel "Bonnie" Bubblegum "Hurry, sweet citizens Click here to see her as an infant. Click here to see her as a Fully Powered Candy Elemental. It's tough; a ruler's got to deal with a lot of subservient dummies. The young-looking princess and current ruler of the Candy Kingdom. She cares deeply about her citizens. She's also a giant nerd, said to engage in "every branch of geekdom", but not as far as we can tell in the Cosplay Otaku Girl way — she's more of a math and science whiz. She's close friends with Finn, who seems to have a crush on her however much he tries to deny it , but she brusquely refuses any romantic advances. She finds Jake funny and charming, and has a complicated relationship with Marceline. Although she looks sweet , and is, in general, rather nice, she is actually quite quick to anger, and her wrath is best avoided.

How old is princess bubblegum from adventure time

Princess Bubblegum full name Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum , often called PB and on occasion Peebles and other nicknames is a main character on the series Adventure Time that first appeared in the Animated Short. She is the benevolent ruler of the Candy Kingdom, and is Finn's former crush. She is also Ice King's most often-targeted princess. Marceline calls her by her first name, Bonnibel. At the end of "Mortal Recoil," she was transformed into a year-old, but returned to her normal biological age of 18 years at the end of "Too Young.

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Bubblegum's other creations include the Earl of Lemongrab and two "candy sphinxes" named Goliad and Stormo. When she changes back to 18, she returns to her normal personality, but without the same kind of affection for Finn. Finn staggers backwards and hisses in pain, glaring angrily at the Princess before taking the gem from the fallen crown and leaving through the roof with Jake despite Princess Bubblegum's calls and her saying that it was an accident. She gets to do what she wants, no matter how morally questionable. He has a friend named Lord Monochromicorn with whom he communicates using Morse code. Finn's hand slaps his face possibly the grass sword's doing and convinces Finn to slice the Fear Feaster, who doubts the sword's powers. In the final episode, they share a kiss after Marceline saves Bubblegum from GOLB , and are shown in a relationship in the epilogue. Current Wiki. Archived from the original on March 9, Bubblegum is highly protective of Neddy as she is with the other Candy People , claiming that Neddy is merely "built different Sending Bonnibel away on a date with Mr. Badass Adorable : Aww, look, how quirky and cute - Wait, is she firing lasers? Her Dutch name is Prinses Bubbelien , which does not have a direct meaning. She was wearing the same clothes as in " The Real You ".

Princess Bubblegum is the current incarnation of the Candy Elemental. Which is comparable to the inhabitants of the Candy Kingdom, who are all composed of types of desserts and candies. She rules over the Candy Kingdom , but in the Season 6 episode " Hot Diggity Doom " the first part of the season's finale , an election was held and she lost to the King of Ooo by a landslide.

Cute and Psycho : She can be a bit crazy sometimes, but she's still ultimately on the side of good. Adventure Time Reviewed. Bubblegum also adores the people of her kingdom and puts their safety above all else. The Ice King captures Princess Bubblegum and chases after Finn and Jake to get their blessing to marry her, but he accidentally drops the princess into a pit of green liquid. After surviving dangerous encounters within the dungeon, it is revealed that Ricardio set up the situation to lure Bubblegum into the cave and force her to marry him. She is a scientist, inventor, and royalty. Princess Bubblegum has a bio suit in Project Exonaut. This causes her to largely ignore her magic after that point and fall back on technology most of the time. Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!! Her name is a mixture of the word bubblegum and the feminine suffix -ien. Then, you walk right up to the princess, and give her a smooch… Does that make sense? She was finally reigned in when Bubblegum ended up realizing how her relatives could still think like before after being doused with dum-dum juice, but were forced to act stupid and unable to properly express what they really thought. She does whatever she has to for the Candy Kingdom, but her devotion to being the best ruler possible makes her distrustful and emotionally cold, and she sometimes makes very morally dubious choices for what she considers the greater good, or engaging in sneaky political maneuvering.

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