How to trick golf cart charger
They are designed to stop charging when the battery is full. However, there are ways to trick the charger into thinking your battery has more juice than it actually does. I will explain how to trick your golf cart charger so it will charge a dead battery and help you get more use out of your golf cart. Read on to learn how.
Jump starting a CC electric cart. Ok, So my friend-girl has a later model club car precident. Somehow the pack discharged below the nominal voltage to kick in the charger which I do not know the threshold. I tested the pack today and it is well below 48v. I believe it was 35v. I also have a 48v CC precident.
How to trick golf cart charger
This is a scenario that happens a lot more than you might think. In the world of golf carts and our daily lives golf carts get left behind or neglected on a regular basis. When this happens the lead acid batteries in your vehicle drain down over months of neglect to the point the golf cart will not move or operate any longer because the voltage is so low in the system. The golf cart is completely dead…. In the world of Golf Cart Battery Chargers only recently have the manufacturers come up with a solution to this issue. Old style chargers will only charge once then shut off. So if you leave for months unattended and do not unplug and then plug in again the charger will not charge the batteries again and over time these type of batteries drain down just naturally. At a rate of approx. Though due to recent advances in charging technology you can now purchase a Smart charger for your golf cart that will basically baby sit your batteries while you are away on vacation for the summer or whenever. It will automatically kick on every 10 days to top off your golf cart batteries or if the voltage ever drops below a set number. Technically — I think that number is like 2.
When I had an ezgo I could bring them up in pairs with a 12v charger. How to get your golf cart battery charger to charge dead batteries This is a scenario that happens a lot more than you might think. A resistance cord is made of a fine fabric material that has a high resistance rating.
Reviving dead golf cart batteries is not an easy task. Golf cart battery chargers need a certain threshold voltage to start the charging. Even though it may seem impossible to bring back dead batteries, there is always a way to do it. To trick the golf cart charger, you can either use a fully charged battery or change the voltage settings on the golf cart charger. First, we will discuss how you can trick the golf cart charger using a fully charged battery and jumper cables. You have carefully followed the steps mentioned above to trick the charger.
Ever wondered how to trick a golf cart charger to speed up that sluggish charging process? Well, you are in for a treat! To trick your golf cart battery charger, start by unplugging the charger from the power source, then locate the voltage selector switch. After locating it, set it lower than required for your battery size. This will fool the charger into charging faster. Plug the charger back in and monitor the charging process.
How to trick golf cart charger
You might think there is no other way to fix it except to get a new one, right? Well, I thought the same until my buddy explained to me how you can trick your golf cart charger even though the battery is completely dead. In short, put the dead battery in series with another battery that is charged and connect their positive and negative terminals. Now, plug in your golf cart battery charger to the dead battery and this will trick the golf cart charger into charging a dead battery.
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Adjust the voltage selector switch to a value that is less than what is required for the size of your battery. People typically refer to this as a voltage selector switch. Search Close this search box. How much does a golf cart weigh? March 6, No Comments. Monitor the charging process to make sure that the charger is not getting too hot or overcharging your batteries; if either of these things happen, unplug the charger immediately. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Find More Posts by joesam. Re: Jump starting a CC electric cart Thanks for the input! March 4, No Comments. You will probably end up with about amps of current depending on the charger and the voltage will drop near the discharged battery voltage and ramp up from there. Macs have been a part of Charles' life since long before they were popular! This means that the battery tender will automatically kick your charger back on when your battery dips below a certain level and will stop charging once your battery is fully charged.
Knowing how to trick a golf cart charger can save you money.
Your golf cart charger will now operate more quickly and assume that the battery it is charging is smaller. They are designed to stop charging when the battery is full. Find More Posts by joesam. Connect the batteries using the jumper cords. To employ this method, follow these steps: Obtain a suitable resistance cable : You can easily purchase a resistance cable from an automotive or electronics store. Little amps would transfer. Make sure the charger is turned on and plugged into a power source. When you notice that the charge has stopped increasing, your golf cart charger has been tricked and will now be charging faster than usual. So basically if the batteries in your golf cart are dead then the charger does not know it is plugged into a golf cart because it does not sense any voltage. All you need is a multimeter or load tester. Send a private message to Muddog. Re: Jump starting a CC electric cart Thanks for the input! If the other pack is really discharged , a 16ga wire without a fuse would catch fire and if fused it would immediately blow the fuse. Search Close this search box. Send a private message to DVR.
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