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Defence24 Wezwali Pjongjang do zaprzestania zbrojeń i powrotu do rozmów. Wspominał m. Korea Północna jest globalnym zagrożeniem, które wymaga globalnych działań. Wzywamy wszystkie odpowiedzialne narody świata, w tym Chiny i Rosję, by domagały się od północnokoreańskiego reżimu, aby wstrzymał swój program zbrojeń nuklearnych i rakietowych i żył w pokoju. Ocenił to jako sensowne z punktu widzenia Seulu i nie omieszkał dodać, że przyczyni się to także do utworzenia nowych miejsc pracy w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wezwał też Pjongjang do zaprzestania zbrojeń.


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The National Society of High School Scholars is a distinguished academic honor society, committed to recognizing and serving the highest-achieving student scholars in more than 26, high schools across countries. Criteria for membership is based on academic performance and is the highest among national high school honors programs. Since our founding in , NSHSS has fostered a diverse and inclusive organization of exceptional young leaders of more than 2 million members spanning high school to college to career. Our mission is to honor academic achievement and provide unique resources and scholarships that enrich educational journeys, fuel career interests, and drive community impact. Claes Nobel , a member of the family that established the Nobel Prizes, helped found NSHSS in to continue his family's legacy of recognizing and rewarding contributions to world betterment. He believed the world leaders of tomorrow emerge from today's youth and that NSHSS is a platform for young leaders to receive the support needed to change their world. As the chairman of the advisory board for the years leading up to his death, Mr. Nobel was personally involved in many of the Society's initiatives. He attended member events and provided input on the strategic direction of the organization. As an active membership organization for high-achieving students, NSHSS is not a simple recognition program or vanity press.


This commonly asked question has a simple answer and a more complex one. NSHSS is a high school honors society with the goal of supporting young and highly motivated scholars on their path to college and a bright future. Now, the more complex answer is also more interesting. Well, NSHSS stands for high school students around the world in their quest to become the leaders and professionals they dream to become. Below is a list of some of those benefits. One of the most exciting benefits NSHSS offers to its members is a long list of scholarship opportunities , some exclusive to members and other types of partner discounts for members. NSHSS members can apply for scholarships to help them pay for college, finance a study abroad opportunity, and more. NSHSS also offers students scholarship application tips and advice , so they can continue to apply for scholarships outside of the list NSHSS offers and succeed with their applications. In that same spirit, NSHSS offers continuous informational support for its members through various events like academic tours , in which students can visit various colleges and universities and learn from admissions officers about the college application process.

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Recognizing and connecting young scholars to bright futures from high school to college and beyond. Check out our scholarships for strong leaders, academics, science smarties, and more. Our upcoming events and webinars can help you keep your focus on the future.

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