ice wizard miner deck

Ice wizard miner deck

In this guide we will discuss a Miner chip deck that has an average elixir cost of 3.

The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes. Ice Wizard is a legendary card. To be realistic, I can say that it is an investment of elixir card. Its main feature is that it slows down the opponents with its attacks.

Ice wizard miner deck

In this guide we will discuss a Miner chip deck that has an average elixir cost of 3. What makes this deck unique is that it has many counters to popular meta decks like the mortar cycle deck, the golem beatdown, hog mega knight inferno. In addition to the counters, it also has many tanks that can be used to shield either the musketeer or ice wizard. Ideally, we have a cheap counter deck that can also provide great offense. The deck includes two legendaries which are the. Miner and the Ice Wizard and are paired with the Guards recently buffed , goblin gang recently nerved but still have incredible value , knight, zap, musketeer, and minions. Miner - As stated in the beginning of the article, the miner will be used to do chip damage against the tower or to defend against the princess zap bait decks or the elixir collectors Golem Beatdown Or 3MM Decks. Ice Wizard - What can the Ice Wizard not do? This legendary will be able to provide support to the knight or miner and quickly destroy skarmies, help with eliminating minion hordes or goblin gangs and slow down tanks like the Pekka, Golem, Royal Giants, Hog Riders and E- Barbs. Guards - Also can tank the miner or knight as well the support cards. Mainly used in this deck to counter miners, hogs ,e-barbs, and tanks recently buffed as well. Knight - Tank for all the cards and counters the wizards huge presence in many arenas before middle of legendary Arena , executioner, mega knight, Night Witch, E-barb, and can be used counter the mortar placement is key and destroy it. Recently nerfed but still the best cheap tank in the game due to its incredible offense and defense. Musketeer - incredible support damage behind a tank. Very important In this deck to defend against air troops and strong tanks.

It is also extremely effective against swarm type troops since it applies splash damage. Its main feature is that it slows down the opponents with its attacks.


Here you will find the clash royale Best Ice Wizard Decks for every arena. The ice wizard slows down the troops and tower but with low damage. Average Elixir Cost: 4. This ice wizard hog rider deck has a 4. My strategy is first to deploy the hog rider from one lane and push with the prince from another lane. So now the opponent has to defend both lanes. If the opponent is out of elixir, you can easily take down one tower.

Ice wizard miner deck

The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes. Ice Wizard is a legendary card. To be realistic, I can say that it is an investment of elixir card.

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Ice Wizard - What can the Ice Wizard not do? Zap - still a viable counter against gobs, and minions. Ice Wizard acts as anti-air unit with Tesla which can attack to air units. Miner and the Ice Wizard and are paired with the Guards recently buffed , goblin gang recently nerved but still have incredible value , knight, zap, musketeer, and minions. Cards Guides. The deck includes two legendaries which are the. Nivel de Arena. Step 2 Copy your Player Tag by tapping it under your name. Manage Cookie Settings. You can bait Fireball and Lightning with Tesla. Goblin Gang - counter for miners, hogs, e-barbs,mortars if placed correctly and tanks and provide chip damage behind a tank against minion, minion hordes, loon or lava hound recently nerved but still provides incredible value especially for the spear goblins. Also, you can use Ice Wizard to stop swarm units. This Balloon deck is a very bad choice for free-to-play players.


Facebook Vkontakte Discord Twitter. Miner - As stated in the beginning of the article, the miner will be used to do chip damage against the tower or to defend against the princess zap bait decks or the elixir collectors Golem Beatdown Or 3MM Decks. In addition to the counters, it also has many tanks that can be used to shield either the musketeer or ice wizard. Tipos de cartas. Also, you can use Ice Wizard to stop swarm units. This legendary will be able to provide support to the knight or miner and quickly destroy skarmies, help with eliminating minion hordes or goblin gangs and slow down tanks like the Pekka, Golem, Royal Giants, Hog Riders and E- Barbs. Musketeer - incredible support damage behind a tank. Facebook Vkontakte Discord Twitter. Recently nerfed but still the best cheap tank in the game due to its incredible offense and defense. The deck includes two legendaries which are the. Its main feature is that it slows down the opponents with its attacks. Ice Wizard is a legendary card.

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