

This is an unofficial iCloud API that provides useful methods to interact with some services of iCloud, icloud邮箱. Please icloud邮箱 sure that this API is my private work and therefore it will never be supported by Apple.

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Because of the problem that my API hast to list every folder within the path of the requested item, icloud邮箱, this alernative is not very icloud邮箱. Just use one of them to describe the recurrence.


It keeps your photos, videos, notes, and more safe, automatically backed up, and available anywhere you go — with 5GB of storage for free. Storage for thousands of photos, videos, and files. Great for family sharing or larger media libraries. And additional plans have even more storage. Shared Photo Library is the best way to seamlessly share the photos and videos you want with up to five other people. Shared library content appears in Featured Photos and Memories so you can relive your adventures using photos everyone took. Restore your device or set up a new one from your iCloud backup to seamlessly bring along all your photos, files, contacts, apps, settings, and more, so it looks just like your previous one. Keep track of your schedule on the go and share events like book club meet-ups, soccer practices, and spring break plans with friends and family. View, edit, and share photos and videos from anywhere, on any device.


App-specific passwords allow you to securely use your Apple ID to sign in to apps made by developers other than Apple. Some apps made by developers other than Apple ask you to sign in with your Apple ID, so that the app can access information like mail, contacts, and calendars that you store in iCloud. To help make sure that your Apple ID password can't be stored or collected by the app, you can choose to create an Apple ID password to use only with that app. You use this app-specific password when the app asks you to sign in with your Apple ID.

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Pleaae note that it's also not completed yet! Packages 0 No packages published. To get a device's object, just call FindMe. Souraya Machnouk 21 February Please keep in mind that you are not allowed to move one of iCloud's default folders such as "Inbox", "Drafts", "Archive", "Deleted Messages" or "Junk". But please keep in mind that you really should use existing sessions much as possible because you save a lot of time and avoid being banned by Apple. Because this is may not your intention, the logic behind push services will not be initialized automatically when initializing your instance. I just say this because you shouldn't wonder if the first Mail API action takes longer than expected because your client has to do at least two requests instead of one. No problem, just look at this short example for a login that supports two-factor-authentication. Skip to content. Because fetch returns Note records just containing TitleEncrypted SnippetEncrypted fields, call resolve to get the Note's full content and encode the base64 snippet and title automatically.


But iCloud Drive use something called drivewsid. Search for. This will not delete all events before the event you set as 1st argument but all of the same type after it. I do not support any malicious use or abuse of this project that harms third parties, steals data or violates personals rights. If you use this way of logging in, you will be save that everything works fine. For example the login process fires three progress events. Go on! Notifications Fork 95 Star 1. If you need to know it, just loadan existing contact and have a look at it's object structure. I don't know the reason but all in all, your folder exist in iCloud's database and a getFolders will return the correct folder list. Normally they will be used from the session instantly. This project is made for personal use only with your personal account and not to make use of third parties private data such as tracking or manipulating accounts. That means, it is possible that something does not work as expected although you did it as it is described in the Documentation here.

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