if you get tired learn to rest not to quit

If you get tired learn to rest not to quit

Hard work requires energy, and important work requires time. Give yourself rest when you need it so you can stay the course through to completion, no matter how long it takes. Hey Michelle Cederberg here.

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If you get tired learn to rest not to quit


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Not quite. First of all, I want to be clear: do lots of these things. They help you grow and they keep you sharp, but remember that the things in life which help you grow and keep you sharp also require loads of energy, and that this energy comes only from true rest. I believed harnessing all my energy back into my growth would be restorative, but over time, I came to realize this practice only made me feel progressively more tired, stretched thinner and thinner. It took years of this constant action to realize my lack of true rest was actually doing me a great disservice. Sure, my passions got a lot of extra time invested into them, but the time they got became more about quantity and less about quality. It took me taking a step back to analyze my process to realize that it takes deliberate, let-your-brain-get-lost repair time to truly recharge and do my best work. Rest days are when I devote myself fully to doing things which allow my brain to let go and operate outside the space of growth and productivity. I take long walks, I get lost in speccing out drawing kits, I sit and just listen to music, I meditate, and I let go of schedules.

If you get tired learn to rest not to quit

Hard work requires energy, and important work requires time. Give yourself rest when you need it so you can stay the course through to completion, no matter how long it takes. Hey Michelle Cederberg here. I was scrolling through Instagram this morning, as I often do, and I came across this meme that got me thinking. And usually too soon.

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Oct 16, AM. Christine Ward books view quotes. Aug 12, AM. Mephisto books view quotes. Jul 02, PM. Add in some movement and some fuel because then you also provide a break for your body, which is super important if you sit a lot. Apr 13, AM. Sep 21, AM. Rachana books view quotes. Feb 02, PM. May 01, PM. Stay Connected With Michelle. May 11, AM.

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Mephisto books view quotes. Stress kills. But, worthwhile work sometimes needs more time. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. While you sleep, your body releases proteins that repair your cells. Andrew 16 books view quotes. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. May 16, PM. Will books view quotes. Dec 19, AM. Archives Dec 15, AM.

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