imdb 1923

Imdb 1923

The feud between Whitfield, Banner, and the Duttons reaches the point of no return. Spencer and Alexandra encounter a different kind of peril on their passenger ship home, imdb 1923. Marshalls track Te

The Duttons face a new set of challenges in the early 20th century, including the rise of Western expansion, Prohibition, and the Great Depression. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Drama Western.

Imdb 1923

Sign In. Hide Spoilers. In the BTS promo for his new series, creator Taylor Sheridan stresses the epic nature of the show, comparing it to movies, and he wasn't boasting or kidding. Though his meteoric success in TV, arguably the biggest splash since producers Shonda Rhimes and Ryan Murphy made the scene, has already drawn the inevitable detractors, this prequel to "Yellowstone" is the immediately gripping, sprawling saga fans want to see. Having true superstars Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford is quite an asset, each bringing both skill and gravitas to their ancestral roles. This opening episode notably has shock effects bookending the show, from Mirren's introduction in full "don't mess with me" fighting stance to antihero Brandon Sklenar's violent cliffhanger finale in Kenya. It was a pleasurable surprise to see Sheridan's daring inclusion of not only the Dark Continent subplot with Great White Hunter Sklenar's adventure but even a credible World War I flashback to broaden the story far beyond Montana. Sklenar especially impressed me, embodying a character actor type of leading man reminiscent of young Tommy Lee Jones. And the now-familiar voice of Isabel May from "" as narrator was a great idea. He's an unlikely Hollywood mogul, but let's all hope he manages "to keep up the good work". Was this review helpful?

Quotes Jack Dutton : How you feeling?

LaMonica Garrett hosts a deep dive with the cast an LaMonica Garrett hosts a deep dive with the cast and creatives behind Taylor Sheridan's latest Western. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Documentary Short.

Sign In. Edit — Series Directed by Ben Richardson Cara Dutton 9 episodes, Harrison Ford Jacob Dutton 9 episodes, Brandon Sklenar

Imdb 1923

Jacob quashes a dispute between cattle ranchers and sheep herders. Cara informs Liz of the sacrifices of marrying into the Dutton family. Another Dutton finds himself far from home. Jacob Dutton : When it comes to firstborn children, you shouldn't be too particular about your math and the calendar. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Asos femme

I'm excited to see how the story unfolds and can't wait to see Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren deliver some great performances. I've read reviews of the show about people giving it 1 star because of Harrison Ford and his political thoughts. Head of 2D Laura Williams Jack Dutton : One look at you and I had no choice at all. Aminah Nieves Teonna Rainwater. Create account. I started with and have not yet seen Yellowstone. Jerome Flynn Banner Creighton. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. See production info at IMDbPro. Pagalala Jan 5, I hope he goes on to make and then , , etc. Create account. Drama Western.

Sign In. Hide Spoilers. Supermanfan 10 December

Spencer Dutton : What is it? Teonna Rainwater. This prequel has potential, obviously. Sign In Sign In. Amid the Great Depression, Prohibition, a cattle pandemic, and a host of other challenges, explores how Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Elsa Dutton : There are no weekends on a ranch. Shotgun shells in would have been made of cardboard. Anything from Taylor Sheridan is always worth checking out, and he rarely disappoints. Did you know Edit.

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