Imdb first man

A look at the life of the astronaut, Neil Armstrong, and the legendary space mission that led him to become the first man to walk on the Moon on July 20, Neil Armstrong : I don't know what space exploration will uncover, but I don't think it'll be exploration imdb first man for the sake of exploration.

Sign In. First Man Hide Spoilers. Bemused at the reviews of "boring" or "too long". This is not Apollo 13 or The Right Stuff, and is not meant to be. It is a character study based on a book James R Hansen which is a biography of Neil Armstrong, rather than a story of the moon landing per se.

Imdb first man

In this epic special, travel back in time 25 million years to experience the trials, dramas and triumphs that shaped our ancestors. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. First Man Not Rated 1h 32m. Play trailer See production info at IMDbPro. Videos 1. Trailer Watch Official Trailer. Photos Add photo. Top cast Edit. Nadine Adams.

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Sign In. Edit First Man Directed by Damien Chazelle Neil Armstrong Claire Foy Janet Armstrong Jason Clarke Ed White Kyle Chandler Deke Slayton Corey Stoll

By Bryan Bishop. Welcome to Cheat Sheet, our brief breakdown-style reviews of festival films, VR previews, and other special event releases. This review comes from the Toronto International Film Festival. Over the course of a short but already notable career, director Damien Chazelle has shown a penchant for stripping away romanticized idealism to expose the more honest, human truths hidden underneath. La La Land , which earned Chazelle an Academy Award for Best Director, told the tale of two star-crossed lovers in the style of a nostalgic, classic Hollywood musical — only to deny the characters the storybook happy ending that both the characters and the audience were expecting. Chazelle likes to tackle genres and scenarios that we often view through rose-colored glasses, then smash those glasses to pieces.

Imdb first man

They're trained in creating high-quality parenting advice based on best practices in child development. Read more about how we rate and review. It's set during the tumultuous decade leading up to Armstrong's historic Apollo 11 moon mission. Ryan Gosling stars as Armstrong, the smart,…. Celebrates traditionally American values such as competition, pioneering spirit, courage, teamwork, hard work -- all of which came into play to win space race to moon. Shows how Armstrong's quiet strength, determination helped make Apollo 11 a successful mission. Perseverance, humility are themes. Armstrong is a smart, courageous, determined engineer, pilot, and astronaut. He loves his wife and children but is also focused on NASA mission. The astronauts are supportive, encouraging, even though they're also competing for spots on the moon mission.

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Gosling uncredited Jourdan McKay Edit page. James Lovell. And that is exactly what happens in First Man - there is a lifelessness at the film's core, an emotional vapidity that can't be filled by exceptional technical achievements and laudable craft. So, go and see First Man. It's a moment in film you'll never forget. He is portrayed as a colorless technocrat, who is somewhat cold to his family. This is a film about overcoming difficulties, expanding horizons, and the tenacity of the human race. Watch Theatrical Trailer. Elliott Family Member uncredited. The characters are not what one calls likeable but there is a realism to them and 'First Man' is very strongly acted. More like this. The length too long.

When Nasa puts out the call for trainee astronauts, his successful application seems to offer a new start. Time and again, cinematographer Linus Sandgren frames him alone amid the darkened spaces of the Armstrong home — the camera gazing through doors, halls and hatchways that paint a black shroud around his softly illuminated figure.

Create account. This is indeed a patriotic film and despite some controversy regarding not depicting the planting of the flag on the moon, flags are everywhere in the movie and the flag is certainly shown at the landing site. David Hammock. Edmund Grant Pete Conrad : What I Matchmove artist Tim McGovern William Safire , one of Richard Nixon 's speechwriters, had prepared a statement to be delivered by the President in the event the Apollo 11 mission had failed. Recently viewed. Gosling's physical resemblance to the man helps no end, and his performance is thankfully assured and convincing. I remember the real moon landing on the TV as a boy and it marked me for life, I remain consumed with all things space but this film did not bring back the emotion I felt at the time, or make me interested in the trip. Ryan Gosling played this part like every other part he ever plays, enigmatic In attempt to outdo the Soviets, the United States plans a manned mission to the moon, with astronaut Neil Armstrong Ryan Gosling being the first to set foot on the lunar surface. Elliott Family Member uncredited Krenar Ndreu How any person would be brave enough to face this, be able to perform well while in the thick of it and want to do it again and again is beyond words or sanity.

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