imdb friday night lights

Imdb friday night lights

Matt's dad decides to stay home instead of returning to Iraq, while Jason's parents level a lawsuit against the coach for negligence. Smash tries to get closer to a girl, but he keeps gettin

Head Coach uncredited 3 episodes, Sign In. Kyle Chandler Eric Taylor 76 episodes, Connie Britton Tami Taylor 76 episodes, Aimee Teegarden Julie Taylor 76 episodes,

Imdb friday night lights

Sign In. Edit Friday Night Lights Bissinger David Aaron Cohen Coach Gary Gaines Lucas Black Mike Winchell Garrett Hedlund Don Billingsley Derek Luke Boobie Miles Jay Hernandez Brian Chavez Lee Jackson Ivory Christian Lee Thompson Young Chris Comer Tim McGraw Charles Billingsley Grover Coulson Miles Connie Britton Sharon Gaines Connie Cooper Winchell Kasey Stevens

Jesse Plemons Landry Clarke credit only. Rebecca McFarland Susanne Derr 1 episode,

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated. New head coach Eric Taylor finds his every move scrutinized as he takes over leadership of Texas's No. With Jason seriously injured, Matt must step up and become the team's first-string quarterback.

Friday Night Lights is an American sports drama television series developed by Peter Berg from a book and film of the same name. The series details events surrounding a high school football team from a fictional town called Dillon: a small, close-knit community in rural Texas. Particular focus is given to team coach Eric Taylor Kyle Chandler and his family. During the course of the series, 76 episodes of Friday Night Lights aired over five seasons. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. Main article: Friday Night Lights season 1.

Imdb friday night lights

The Friday Night Lights film from is often held in high regard as one of the best football movies ever made. So when word broke that a television show was coming based on it, folks were skeptical. Could it live up to the original? In the eyes of most of its audience, it did that and more. Friday Night Lights ran for five seasons and fans seemed to agree that most of the series was fantastic. From dramatic football games to stellar acting to topical storylines, the show had it all. It did have some down moments and we're going to look at both sides. We've taken the reviews from IMDb users and found the choices for the best and worst episodes.

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Phillips 1 episode, See the full list. Roger Wallace Sportscaster 1 1 episode, AC Hensley Press uncredited 1 episode, Ronald G. Derek Phillips Billy Riggins. Officer Larry 1 episode, See the list. Troy Harris Angry Parent Gordon 1 episode, WalMart Buyer uncredited Gene Burns Ornette Howard 10 episodes, Videos Katherine Willis Joanne Street. Melissa Halley Waitress at Dinner 1 episode, Waverly Grady 8 episodes,

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More to explore. Kenneth Patrick Firing Squad Leader 1 episode, Kayla 1 episode, Marshall Game Referee Dan Rankin Tiffany Burgos Cathleen 1 episode, Kirkpatrick Audrey Chon Mackenzie Reed Cheerleader uncredited 13 episodes, Courtney Carpenter Hale Parishioner uncredited 1 episode, Teacher 2 1 episode, Steve 1 episode, But that's the nature of the story lines. Jaki Davis Teacher 2 1 episode, Sidney Floyd Smash's Sister uncredited 1 episode, Chris Drewy Andy Oswald 1 episode,

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