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Image by BrET Used and edited with permission. Characters with incestuous subtext in a story. Even though incest is a taboo in many places in the world, it is not entirely impossible that accidental subtext can sneak in, either unintentionally or surreptitiously. This can originate from the author intentionally playing with the closeness of the characters' relationship and slipping into romance, even though nothing serious was supposed to come out of it. She's my sister! There is another variation, when the attraction itself is textually there, but the characters are not literally blood related , so openly sexual relationships can also have incestuous subtext. For example, in Japanese works, girls might use Japanese Sibling Terminology for a guy or especially a girl they are in love with. A Relative Error can come across this way either intentionally or not if the original "romantic" scene is a little too convincing.
Incest, loli, extreme gore, and cannibalism are just some of the subjects considered taboo but they are not really rare in anime. Can you guess which taboo anime shows have found their way to this list? Taboos are present in almost every society and when it comes to anime, it is not unusual to come across various depictions of disturbing activities that are usually banned and forbidden based on moral judgement and social beliefs.
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