incitatus coins

Incitatus coins

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As Coin Update viewers know, I collect and consign ancient coins. I know telltale signs of counterfeit and novelty coins as well as authentic strikes. For instance, many ancient fakes are cast rather than struck. To cast a coin, the counterfeiter creates a mold and then pours molten metal into it. While some bronze ancients were cast, most Roman and Greek coins were struck, or hammered with an engraved die into the metal.

Incitatus coins

Discussion in ' Ancient Coins ' started by Macromius , Jan 22, Log in or Sign up. Coin Talk. Johns, Newfoundland. It has been five days since St. Hope you are doing ok Steve!!! You're the best! You know it's bad when the snow rings your doorbell. Macromius , Jan 22, Log in or Sign up to hide this ad. Stay safe and warm. Be sure to put all that snow to good use too! He's fine, I have him on facebook and he's posting daily updates. Mat , Jan 22, Justin Lee and panzerman like this.

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Log in or Sign up. Coin Talk. What's the go-to for ancients? I'm trying to get in to the ancient realm, so I've been looking all over the internet for good places to buy. Before I make a decision, however, I though it would be a good idea to ask the experienced before making yet another stupid mistake. I found that Vcoins has a good selection, with a multitude of dealers.

Log in or Sign up. Coin Talk. Fairly graded, thoroughly identified, expeditiously posted, and carefully packaged. I got this coin in under a week. And no, I get no kickbacks from this dealer.

Incitatus coins

Incitatus was the prized stallion of emperor Caligula. Very few people know that he is actually capable of full speech. He was later killed along with a group of Pandai by the Meliai.

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I would love to get some ancient coins, but not knowing enough about them I am afraid to get fakes. Show Ignored Content. If it's made out of a different metal, chances are it's fake. I would expect something like that in the U. It has been five days since St. There are currently 96, users on this website. Johns, Newfoundland. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! For now, I would suggest you stay away from coins of the first century, especially silver. He said the coin was a metal detector find and he had no idea what the coin was. Too bad you got rid of it. DonnaML , Alegandron , Bing and 1 other person like this. Allegations of fraudulent or criminal activity against a named party, when said activity has not been proven in a court of law, will be removed. Makes those 14 hour days a bit easier to take when temps hit degrees cel.

It wasn't until , nine years after Federation, that Australia again created its own currency — the Australian pound. Production of half-sovereigns ceased in , followed by that of sovereigns in

Using common sense will protect us better then anything else. No, create an account now. I appreciate your writings here, so thanks for their insight. I have bought some coins on vcoins, but generally speaking you are much better off going with auction sites like CNG, Roma, or most of the auctions on Biddr be wary of the ones that have had less than 20 sales; lots of newbies on there who either unknowingly sell fakes or blatantly mis-attribute. Deacon Ray , Jan 22, Gavin Richardson , Jan 22, Needs a heavier lager or a nice IPA. However, you have already taken the first correct step to becoming an enthusiastic ancient collector. There's at least one seller that resells items won at various auctions. I fortunately went home early before the traffic started and found that school was cancelled for several days. Log in or Sign up. Gil-galad, also if an ancient is magnetic, that's a dead giveaway for it being fake. All that I had to eat in my apartment was rice and ketchup. Haha I based spotting fakes on how familiar I am with the design. Start by collecting late Roman bronzes.

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