Indian head shake gif

Open menu. By Ryan General. Indians wobbling their heads rapidly from side to side during a conversation may be perplexing to people who are not familiar with Indian culture; fortunately, understanding how indian head shake gif gesture works is not that complicated. It further confuses foreigners, as the side to side shaking we often attribute to convey the negative is instead portraying affirmation.

In Thanjavur city, in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, street markets are flooded with a particular type of bobblehead toy. The brightly painted clay bommai, usually the figure of a classical dancer or an old couple as a set, comes in two parts: the full body and the head that sits loosely on a small hinge extending up from the neck. A slight tap on the head, or even a vigorous breeze, can set off the head shaking from side to side in an almost circular fashion. This is the closest imitation of the unique Indian gesture that often leaves visitors to the country flummoxed. One thing all travellers to India talk about — apart from the dreaded Delhi Belly, of course — is the great Indian head nod.

Indian head shake gif

Besides the heterogeneous nature of being an "Indian", the wobble is just agreement. The person who's wobbling their head is agreeing to what is being said. It's mostly a "Go ahead and say what you want, I'll do what I want to do after you're done". I didn't grow up in India, so I can see it for what it is, but I am Indian, so the subtleties are visible to me. Take all of this with a huge grain of salt. That's roughly how I'd interpreted it from interacting with colleagues, an acknowledgement. Yeah, it's definitely not an agreement. Acknowledgement is the most apt description. Yes, it's an agreement, or like "sure yeah". As some from Yorkshire I like 'aye' it's an anachronistic affirmative yes, old people still use 'nay' as well. Language is a wonderful thing. Doesn't sound like "agreement" to me!

Not a yes or no just a periodic acknowledgement that they are following what you are saying as you say it.


A video decoding Indian headshakes has gone viral, attracting over a million hits in a week. What does its popularity tell us about the way Indians see themselves? The film presents an array of headshakes and shows how subtle variations in velocity, vigour and amplitude of wobble denote different meanings, including: "yes", "no", "maybe", "what's up? Mathew admits that his headshakes have been somewhat exaggerated for comic effect, but maintains that it's a true picture of a national trait. The response on social media has been broadly positive. Love it : " reads one comment on YouTube. Other comments are a little more sceptical, with some saying that Indian headshakes are more prevalent in the south than the north of the country.

Indian head shake gif

The peculiar Indian head shake, wobble, or bobble is the source of much confusion and wonderment among foreigners, especially the first time one is confronted with it. It looks like a cross between a nod and shake, but does it mean "yes"? Or, does it mean "no"?

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This high score indicates a deep respect for hierarchy and limited scope for disagreement with those considered superior in any way. Cyph0n on July 24, root parent prev next [—] India is more diverse than you or I can imagine, so it really makes no sense to compare it with the likes of the US or Germany. People talk about beer tasting German, but it's very distinct between Bavaria and Cologne. Bigg also admitted to doing the nod without realising it, particularly when she speaks in Hindi. The writer is an Indian and lives in Bangalore. I didn't grow up in India, so I can see it for what it is, but I am Indian, so the subtleties are visible to me. I don't think this is exclusive to Indian culture. However, there is more to the Indian head wobble than just a cultural quirk passed through the generations. My colleague a Kerala native begs to differ :. There are pages of writing devoted to it on the internet, not to mention demonstration videos, to demystify it for the traveller. Not sure why this post is being downvoted but I agree with this.

The head bobble , head wobble , or Indian head shake refers to a common gesture found in South Asian cultures, most notably in India. The motion usually consists of a side-to-side tilting of the head in arcs along the coronal plane.

By Charukesi Ramadurai 23rd July By Location. This is the second time I've seen this article or something similar recently. It's common enough that you can call it Indian head wobble. Open menu. I'm from Punjab and the first time I travelled to Karnataka the head wobble was something of a culture shock to me. There are forms of this in many cultures. These would typically be interactions with bosses at work, elders within the family or leaders in the community. Margot Bigg, a British-American travel writer who lived in India for more than five years and has written guidebooks on the country, is of the opinion that different types of head nods mean different things. That was my intended meaning, yes. In my own experience, the faster the shake, the more enthusiastic the agreement — especially when used with raised eyebrows for added emphasis.

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