The hydraulic part consists of a primary glycol circuit with double pump working against a buffer tank, inprotima.
For the new installations of Panificadora Amaya , an integral refrigeration and storage system has been provided, consisting of:. It includes fermentation chambers with low temperatures and controlled high humidity, using hot water from the cooling tower itself, saving energy and consumption. We use cookies on our website to provide you with the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking "Accept all", you agree to the use of ALL cookies. However, you can visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent.
An Ensaimada de Mallorca is an item of confectionary made of sugared dough that has been fermented and baked, with bread flour, water, sugar, eggs, starter dough and pig's lard as its ingredients. It is a highly traditional example of Mallorcan confectionary that has been made and eaten on the island over a consistently long period of time. The first written references to ensaimadas de Mallorca date back to the 17th century. At this time, even though wheat flour was mainly used for baking bread, documents confirm that Mallorcan ensaimadas were made for festivities and celebrations. From the 18th century onwards, eating ensaimadas de Mallorca became popular among the middle and upper classes and it was a typical snack, accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate. During the 19th century ensaimadas achieved great popularity and became known outside the island. Numerous publications appeared, such as compilations of recipes, works on pastry making and travel books, which referred to ensaimadas de Mallorca, either explaining how they were made or else describing them as a typical Mallorcan product. In Mallorca, between and , Archduke Louis Salvator of Austria carried out important investigational work, making a documental compilation of Mallorcan traditions called Die Balearen in wort und bild geschildert The Balearics: oral descriptions and records. This includes numerous mentions of the ensaimada de Mallorca, describing it as a typical item of confectionary in Mallorca, usually eaten by the middle and upper classes for breakfast, as a snack or as a dessert at lunch. Historical references show that ensaimadas de Mallorca form part of the island's cultural and historical heritage, clearly constituting a reference among local island confectionary. Even today ensaimadas still conserve all their traditional characteristics. The ensaimada de Mallorca is a typical example of artisanal craftsmanship, and the experience of the person baking it is fundamental in ensuring that it acquires all the necessary characteristics. Mallorca has a long history of bread and pastry making, and this is one of the oldest guilds, dating back to the 14th century.
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user inprotima consented to the use of cookies. This includes numerous mentions of the ensaimada de Mallorca, inprotima, describing it as a typical item of confectionary in Inprotima, usually eaten by the middle and upper classes for breakfast, as a snack or as urbzz nude dessert at lunch.
This hydrocooler is responsible for supplying cold water to a system for spraying the vegetables for cleaning and further processing. With a chiller and its incorporated hydraulic unit, we manage to provide the same cold water power as with the previous system. In addition, an integration with the chiller has been carried out, as they have a photovoltaic installation on the roof of the industry, and thanks to a large storage tank, they manage to produce more cold water at times when they have more sun, as well as varying the start-up stages of the compressors according to the electrical production. We use cookies on our website to provide you with the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking "Accept all", you agree to the use of ALL cookies. However, you can visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent. Cookie Settings Accept All. Food processes.
The hydraulic part consists of a primary glycol circuit with double pump working against a buffer tank. There is also a cold room in the installation for which a semi-compact Ra unit has been installed, consisting of a Sigilus low-noise condensing unit and a low-profile evaporator. In addition, this installation is equipped with the kiconex system for monitoring and control of the equipment, allowing the user to view and notify alarms at all times. We use cookies on our website to provide you with the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking "Accept all", you agree to the use of ALL cookies. However, you can visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent. Cookie Settings Accept All. Food Industry. Food processes. Nevamar Food processes.
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During the baking process, because the dough is damp, steam is produced and this is partly retained by the waterproof layers of fat, thus leading to a space between each layer that gives the ensaimada de Mallorca its typical flaky appearance. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Necessary Necessary. Rolling out: the dough is rolled out to make a thin layer. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities such as sharing website content on social media platforms, collecting feedback and other third party features. The sugar gives the ensaimada its characteristic sweet taste, whilst also making the yeast act. Inside the dough of ensaimadas de Mallorca made with pumpkin jam, strands of jam are visible. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In addition, many are run by fifth-generation pastry makers. Functional Functional.
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