Introvert memes

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Introverts don't need a buddy. Unlike their socially crippled counterparts and dead-weight group project partners, introverts can thrive in this world without a chatterbox constantly glued to their hip. Introverted people don't need an emotional support pal to hype them up when they're feeling down and they don't need a feel-good friend to get through the day. We're self-sufficient. Although a tad of socialization can be enjoyable now and then like when introverts overshare with their closest friend in their bi-annual hangout , introverted people aren't built like every other codependent human being out there. So if you're an introvert who's totally self-reliant and independent, yuu know that not only are you better off on your own, but you're much happier and much more comfortable coasting in your own lane.

Introvert memes

In his s work Psychological Types, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung popularized the terms "introverted" and "extroverted" describing personality types. Introverts recharge by spending time alone, and they lose energy if they're around people for long periods. Extroverts, on the other hand, gain strength from social interactions and actually exhaust themselves if they're alone. Both of these types have their good and their less perfect qualities, so there's no point in arguing which side would win in the Introvert VS. Extrovert battle. To help you fully grasp the concept, Bored Panda has compiled a list of funny memes that are as relevant to the subject as they're entertaining. And if you start nodding in approval with these introvert quotes, you're probably more of this type of person. If not, you're most likely that party animal they try to avoid. But before you judge, one group or the other, remember something Jung has said, "There is no such thing as a pure introvert or extrovert. Such a person would be in the lunatic asylum.

It takes great courage for an introvert to talk to someone they know, and introvert memes takes even greater courage for them to talk to someone they do not know. Introverts can unite and make some noise, too, although they might just decide to do it separately. Impromptu talk with virtual strangers, introvert memes.


If you're one of the many people who prefer working from home and talking back to Dr. Phil in an empty house, you'll understand these memes. We're all a little alike, even if we like to pretend no one else in the world exists sometimes and almost celebrate social distancing. Right now, you're probably just scrolling through these memes on your phone while the TV drones on in the background, and you're halfway torn between the two lazy activities. Introverts are all pretty similar. It's not that we don't like people, or that we don't want to hang out with our friends once in a while. It's just that sitting home alone and doing literally nothing seems like a fun way to spend a night. We all aspire to get home from work early enough to dissociate for the rest of the day; it's the introvert dream.

Introvert memes

Hello there, fellow homebodies! Or should we say, 'greetings from our individual cozy corners'? For those of us with an introverted soul, the idea of a perfect day often involves no human contact whatsoever. We love our friends, we adore our family, but sometimes or most of the times , the thought of curling up with a good book or binge-watching our favorite series seems more enticing than a chat that lasts for half an hour or an unwanted party invitation.

Trinny bff eye

Those answers mean that they are not interested and would rather stay at home where it is peaceful and quiet. But among all the relatable introvert content out there, some true comedic gold stands out. Calling all introverts! Introvert memes like this one exaggerate, but do not make up the stress a long time socializing can put on an introvert. When doing so, they need to set boundaries and limitations, because that is what will make them feel more comfortable and protected. Introverts can unite and make some noise, too, although they might just decide to do it separately. Sometimes, they come out of respect and care for you. Introverts recharge by spending time alone, and they lose energy if they're around people for long periods. On a deeper, more hilarious level, it even shows how they feel and think when they are online and when their imagination is at its peak. Posted by Jesse Kessenheimer.

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When the World Health recommended social distancing to avoid getting hit with the virus, everybody had to learn how introverts do it! It takes so much bravery for introverts to socialize. Introverts around the world celebrated when the government announced that social distancing should be observed. However, for introverts, it can be a draining and exhausting experience. So if your friend is a meme master, a Netflix addict, or a bookworm, be understanding, and glad that they have something to do! Scroll down for the next article. Truth be told, having this trait is sometimes one of the best ways to find real happiness, because it allows you to focus on yourself and the things that you love. Ever wonder how your introverted friends prepare when you ask them to go to a social event? If you like our introvert memes, you may like some of the other articles about introverts and introversion we have written here at HappierHuman Your one stop shopping for introvert happiness. Those answers mean that they are not interested and would rather stay at home where it is peaceful and quiet.

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