

Throughout Narutoone of the fan-favorite characters was inuzuka dog-loving Kiba Inuzuka, inuzuka, a member of the Konoha Alongside his best buddy Akamaru, Kiba won fans' hearts with his excitable attitude inuzuka his ferocity in battle. Though he never could beat Naruto, he was a powerful ninja with a strong spirit. No matter how little screen time they got, this Inuzuka duo remained high on the favorite lists, inuzuka.

The members are given their own canine partner s when they reach a certain age. Thereafter, the shinobi and their dog s are practically inseparable. The shinobi and canine allies fight using Cooperation Ninjutsu , such as the Fang Passing Fang or Fang Rotating Fang techniques amongst others, that take advantage of their teamwork and their sharp claws and teeth. The clan members are also able to communicate with canines even if unlike Kuromaru, the dogs cannot talk. The members of this clan, much like their canine partners, have greatly enhanced senses, especially their sense of smell.


Despite his headstrong, and at times egotistic attitude, Kiba is loyal to his comrades and will do anything to protect them with his trusted canine companion, Akamaru , by his side. At a very young age, Akamaru was given to Kiba by his mother, Tsume , and the two became very close soon afterwards. Before entering the Academy , Kiba and Akamaru played together a great deal, resulting in Tsume getting angry because they weren't training enough. Together, these four would skip class and go to the practice hall not to practice. They thought that it was fun to also test the patience of Iruka Umino , their Academy instructor. One day, Kiba fell asleep during class and, upon waking, saw Naruto attempting to use the Transformation Technique to turn into the Third Hokage for the first time, and failing twice. This caused Kiba to find Naruto incompetent, and he became among those who ridiculed him. At some time in the past, Kiba knew his father; but because of his mother's attitude, Tsume scared him away, leaving him just with her and his sister Hana Inuzuka. Despite this, Kiba stays in a close relationship with his sister and mother, [7] although he seems to agree that Tsume is rather frightening. Kiba is often short-tempered and impulsive in stark contrast to his teammates Shino and Hinata , and can be prone to making mistakes when he becomes agitated in battle. He also enjoys combat even when facing particularly strong opponents.

Naruto: Ninja Council 2. This usually includes telling her that Naruto is nearby, inuzuka, or just mentioning her reactions to him to other people, inuzuka, much to her embarrassment. Kurenai informed them that only Sora-ku had it and requested that they pick some inuzuka up for her as well.


Despite his headstrong, and at times egotistic attitude, Kiba is loyal to his comrades and will do anything to protect them with his trusted canine companion, Akamaru , by his side. At a very young age, Akamaru was given to Kiba by his mother, Tsume , and the two became very close soon afterwards. Before entering the Academy , Kiba and Akamaru played together a great deal, resulting in Tsume getting angry because they weren't training enough. Together, these four would skip class and go to the practice hall not to practice. They thought that it was fun to also test the patience of Iruka Umino , their Academy instructor. One day, Kiba fell asleep during class and, upon waking, saw Naruto attempting to use the Transformation Technique to turn into the Third Hokage for the first time, and failing twice. This caused Kiba to find Naruto incompetent, and he became among those who ridiculed him. At some time in the past, Kiba knew his father; but because of his mother's attitude, Tsume scared him away, leaving him just with her and his sister Hana Inuzuka. Despite this, Kiba stays in a close relationship with his sister and mother, [7] although he seems to agree that Tsume is rather frightening.


They are known for their use of ninken as fighting companions in Cooperation Techniques and their great tracking skills. Their members are given their own ninken when they reach a certain age and become practically inseparable, thus when they graduate, both the user and their ninken fight using Cooperation Ninjutsu that take advantage of their teamwork and their sharp claws and teeth to perform all their techniques. One of their unique skills is that clan members are able to communicate with their dog companion even if the dogs cannot talk, like Kuromaru. Inuzuka Clan members have developed accurate perception, with their most trained feature being their greatly enhanced sense of smell. By concentrating chakra to their noses, this sense is amplified to an even greater extent allowing the user to be able to detect, track and monitor targets from a fairly long distance away [1] [2]. It has also been noted that they are essential in tracking missions, thus they are always assigned to search teams [3]. The clan's fighting style primarily revolves around their enhanced speed, strength, and agility granted by the Four Legs Technique and other canine-based attacks, in conjunction with the tactical advantages granted by their heightened senses. Their most prominent feature are the red face marks on their cheeks resembling fangs, their sharp canines and slit pupils resembling wolves.

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After realising that Naruto and Kiba argued too often while Hinata worried for the others too much, they headed into town to stop their copies. Then realising that Burami's scent was his clothes from their earlier scuffle, Kiba used it to find the real enemy. Here, powerful ninja help patrol Konoha to keep restless community members from crime. Upon awakening, Kiba thanks Shino for his efforts in save them. Due to the many participants however, a preliminary round had to be issued which involved a race to Sunagakure where only the first 30 teams to arrive at the destination would qualify for the second phase. While investigating a confrontation between two teams, they witnessed Gaara killing three Amegakure genin , with Akamaru being traumatised by the amount of power he sensed from Gaara. Main article: The Last: Naruto the Movie. Kiba is surprised to see how much Naruto is still affected by failing to bring Sasuke back from their mission three years ago. In the anime, Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata were once again teamed together, this time to find a treasure chest. Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky. Throughout the series, fans meet not only Kiba's mom and his sister but their canine companions, too. Kiba told him that injuring himself on the battlefield, wouldn't impress anyone to which Neji retorted telling him to shut up again, but faced Akamaru when saying this.

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A lot has changed. Kiba faced off against Burami, whose obese stature was used to his advantage, absorbing and repelling all of Kiba and Akamaru's attacks. Not to be outdone by Team 7, Kiba lead his team forward, revealing that he can perform the Shadow Clone Technique. Kiba defeated the enemy , and then they went to Gaara's aid. When they arrived at Konoha, Kiba defeated his and Hinata's copies, but the one of Naruto was still on the run and causing a lot of trouble. Kiba criticised Neji for not mentioning seeing Naruto sooner, but Neji claimed even Naruto's chakra signature was different. Sasuke and his team might not have been very warm, but Tamaki remained kind and helpful. July 7. Naruto then became extremely annoyed at Kiba's low opinion of him. Main article: Sunagakure Support Mission In the anime, when some ninja tried to steal Gaara's power, Kiba and the rest of the Konoha 11 minus Tenten who was away on another mission at the time were sent to help the Suna-nin. Kiba often sees himself as the group leader, and becomes offended at any of Shino's actions that he perceives as challenging his leadership. He then witnessed Naruto and Sasuke's combined attack on the Ten-Tails as he urged them on. He can use the Shadow Clone Technique , [20] and an advanced version of the Transformation Technique , using them to perform his clan's advanced techniques.

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