Iron maiden eddie pictures

He is a perennial fixture of the group's artwork, appearing in all of their album covers iron maiden eddie pictures well as most of their singles and in their merchandise, which includes T-shirts, posters and action figures. On top of this, Eddie features in all of the band's concerts, as well as in the first-person shooter video gameEd Hunterthe mobile gameIron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast and a pinball game with the same name in

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Iron maiden eddie pictures

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A street-walking axe murderer, the Devil's puppet, a lobotomized asylum patient, an Egyptian pharaoh, a cyborg It wasn't until a chance meeting with artist Derek Riggs that Maiden landed their mascot with manager Rod Smallwood deeming it necessary that Eddie be featured on all of the band's artwork. With Riggs as the band's sole artist -- designing album covers, single covers and t-shirts -- until 's Fear of the Dark album cover, this relationship launched a new era of visuals that would forever be intertwined with heavy metal's already defiant image. Eddie is a fixture of Maiden's live shows, his appearance often marking the high point of the concert. Naturally, Riggs is the most celebrated artist when discussing Maiden's visual catalog, but let's not forget the other cast of artists who helped bring Eddie to life or sent him to his death. Melvyn Grant, creator of the horrifying Fear of the Dark artwork has been one of the legendary group's most frequent collaborators behind Riggs, having worked on Virtual XI , The Final Frontier and various singles. Hugh Syme, best known for his work with Rush he's done all of their album covers save for the first pair of records devised the most brutal depictions of Eddie as seen on the cover art for The X Factor and its accompanying singles. Meanwhile, Mark Wilkinson, whom the band had used for live albums and singles, though with sparing reoccurrence, finally got the nod to etch his name in Maiden history with a studio cover for The Book of Souls , delivering possibly the finest looking Eddie of the 21st century. The list doesn't end there though, so take a tour through all of Eddie's incarnations since making his shadowy debut on the "Running Free" single back in

Iron maiden eddie pictures

He is a perennial fixture of the group's artwork, appearing in all of their album covers as well as most of their singles and in their merchandise, which includes T-shirts, posters and action figures. On top of this, Eddie features in all of the band's concerts, as well as in the first-person shooter video game , Ed Hunter , the mobile game , Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast and a pinball game with the same name in Although he is occasionally described as "zombie-like" in the press, [2] [3] [4] [5] Eddie assumes a different guise relating to the themes of individual albums and their corresponding world tours, and has appeared as a cyborg , an Egyptian mummy and a lobotomised mental patient , amongst others. The first version of Eddie was a mask made by an art student who was friends with Dave "Lights" Beazley, [6] [7] then in charge of lighting, pyrotechnics and other effects for Iron Maiden's live show. The band's bassist and founding member Steve Harris states that the name "Eddie" comes from the original mask being referred to as "The Head", which sounded like "Ead" in the band members' London accent. So five years go by, and there's Eddie the 'Ead, as his parents have called him, sitting on the mantelpiece, when in walks his dad. It's your fifth birthday, and we've got a very special surprise for you. Once Iron Maiden had secured a record contract with EMI , the band's manager Rod Smallwood decided that the band needed "that one figure who utterly stamped his presence and image on the band in a way that was obvious enough to make a good album cover.

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I think they wanted Eddie to eat me Our company. Best of the Beast , features a selection of Riggs' past Eddies. Legends 2 : It may not display this or other websites correctly. Metal Hammer. So five years go by, and there's Eddie the 'Ead, as his parents have called him, sitting on the mantelpiece, when in walks his dad. See eddie iron maiden stock video clips. Anyway if someone here is looking for Eddie pics from to and a few ones here and there between to , I'll more than likely have them. Search by image. Rolling Stone. Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.

Iron Maiden mascot Eddie — Edward T Head, but Eddie to his friends — has for over 40 years been the first point of contact between unsuspecting, wide-eyed pubescents and the world of heavy metal.

We wanted to take him from this sort of comic-book horror creature and turn him into something a bit more straightforward so that he became even more threatening. From Fear to Eternity Booklet. Log in Register. Help us improve your search experience. Retrieved 22 July Retrieved 18 June In other projects. Due to the cover's graphic nature, the band had to provide a less-violent alternative consisting of a similar Eddie from a distance. During the course of the Troubles in Northern Ireland , Eddie, specifically as he appeared on the sleeve of " The Trooper ", became an unofficial mascot of the Ulster Freedom Fighters loyalist paramilitary group and was the main figure on a number of the group's murals. What's new New posts New profile posts Latest activity. Chances are if anybody on this forum or another Maiden forum is looking for a particular Eddie pic, I'll more than likely have it. Rolling Stone.

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