is cartman gay

Is cartman gay

What do you think? Place your vote! South Park What is Cartman's Sexuality?

It originally aired on March 14, on Comedy Central. The main plot deals with Eric Cartman 's efforts to recover an incriminating photograph that may call his sexual orientation into question, whereas the subplot, which focuses on Butters Stotch , explores childhood gay conversion therapy. Cartman has developed a hobby of getting Butters Stotch to spend the night at his house and then taking degrading photos of him as he sleeps. The following day Cartman then shows Stan , Kenny , and Kyle a photo of him with Butters's penis in his mouth , thinking that this makes Butters homosexual. However, Kyle points out that a male who performs oral sex on another male is the one perceived to be the homosexual, thus making Cartman the homosexual. As a practical joke, Kyle then convinces a horrified Cartman that taking a similar picture with his and Butters's positions switched would "cancel out the gay polarity. Cartman goes over to Butters's house and then tricks him into allowing himself to be blindfolded and opening his mouth.

Is cartman gay

In the episode, Kyle struggles to understand a new metrosexual fad that has sprung around the men and boys of South Park and is the only one who does not want to conform to it. The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. In , he and co-creator Matt Stone listed it as one of their least favorite episodes of the series. After the TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy begins showing, metrosexuality becomes extremely popular among the males, who all begin acting effeminately. At the school bus stop, instead of their usual winter clothing, Stan , Cartman , and Kenny wear feminine clothing. Kyle , whom they pressure into conforming but who later returns to his normal self, is beaten up by Craig, Token, Jason, and Tweak at school, and is abandoned by Cartman, Kenny, and even Stan. Garrison and Mr. Slave , the town's gay couple, are initially excited but quickly turn against the fad when they realize that metrosexuals are straight men imitating gay culture and lifestyle, which Garrison believes insults actual gays. The women of the town initially enjoy their husbands' improved hygiene and willingness to communicate, but soon tire of the men's increasing self-absorption. When they confront the men and boys about this, Randy accuses them of being "metrophobic" and the other males concur, consequently becoming even more feminine.

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Therefore, the term "South Park" is referring to the franchise in general unless stated. It should be taken as a "real-world" analysis with South Park being viewed outside of its universe unless stated. Therefore information is aimed to be on-topic and story events only used to help explain the progression of the series on this matter. It should be noted that South Park is widely seen to be accepting in its offensive humor in that by having any subject matter up for ridicule, it is being inclusive. The creators have asserted this. Therefore the promotion of LGBT is done in an unusual manner when compared with shows.

When a character routinely spews as many homophobic rants and slurs as Cartman does, it makes you wonder if he doth protest too much. While exhibiting interest in female characters like Heidi Turner, Cartman has also had questionable interactions with Butters Stotch that imply confusion about his sexuality. Ultimately Cartman operates without a moral code, opportunistically manipulating his fluid sexuality to serve his selfish goals, whether straight or gay. Introduced in as one of four foul-mouthed third graders later fourth graders living in the fictional town of South Park, Colorado, Cartman immediately stood out for his abrasive, manipulative behavior and anti-authoritarian attitude. Yet he oddly remains part of the core friend group with Stan, Kyle, and Kenny. His home life is also unstable, with his promiscuous mother Liane Cartman serving as his sole caretaker and caregiver. Yeah…the same man Cartman murdered and fed to his half-brother Scott in a bowl of chili after Scott together laughed at Cartman.

Is cartman gay

The th overall episode, it was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. The episode explores the controversial subculture of transgender individuals and gender identity. Getting tired of the stalls in the boys' room being occupied, Eric Cartman puts a bow on his hat and claims to be "transginger" a malapropism of transgender in order to use the girls' toilets at school. Principal Victoria is unimpressed, but Mr. Garrison advises her to give in to avoid the scandal Cartman is almost certain to cause. The girls however are disgusted at Cartman's presence in their toilets, so the school compromises by installing a very fancy transgender toilet in the janitor's room. Meanwhile, following the previous episode in which Randy Marsh appeared to impersonate Lorde for the children's party, it is now revealed that Randy actually is Lorde, who does not otherwise exist. Randy is struggling to keep this secret from both his wife Sharon , and from a suspicious Spin magazine reporter named Brandon Carlile. To get back at Cartman for his actions, Wendy uses Cartman's private bathroom by claiming to be transgender herself, using the name "Wendyl". Cartman is furious at losing his private room.

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They are both punished when camp authorities find Bradley's male underwear catalog. In the episode " My Future Self n' Me ", Butters tried to reveal his 'supervillain' persona to Stan, exclaiming, "Now you know my terrible secret! KahlsGreenhat picked Straight : I pick straight Cartman is actually straight, but he's willing to look bi, so he can make other boys look gay. Stan also showed confusion over his sexual identity. Meanwhile, having discovered that Kyle was tricking him, Cartman decides to throw away the picture of him with Butters's penis in his mouth and never bring it up again. Article Talk. No matter what the player decides their character is referred to as male by pronoun in most instances. The creators have asserted this. I mean Contents move to sidebar hide. He is seen briefly as Lorde performing at the end of " Gluten Free Ebola ".

In the episode, Kyle struggles to understand a new metrosexual fad that has sprung around the men and boys of South Park and is the only one who does not want to conform to it. The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. In , he and co-creator Matt Stone listed it as one of their least favorite episodes of the series.

Toggle limited content width. Their mission fails but the Fab Five decide against pressing charges. Entertainment Weekly. Even though this moment is used for humour, the rapid acceptance of the latter character over a perceived sexual orientation is nonetheless positive to promoting LGBT. By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. Somewhat encouraged by this expression of confidence and pride, Bradley decides not to commit suicide and comes down. The same happens here, as he plays a prank that has unintended consequences — and gets in even bigger trouble when he believes Kyle's reasoning behind "canceling it out". Garrison was a closeted homosexual and fiercely opposed acceptance of gay people in general. Resolving to prevent Kyle from having the satisfaction of showing it off, Cartman himself shows a copy of the photo to the entire class during show-and-tell, attempting to pass it off as an 'artistic statement against the War In Iraq ,' but even Mrs. The main plot deals with Eric Cartman 's efforts to recover an incriminating photograph that may call his sexual orientation into question, whereas the subplot, which focuses on Butters Stotch , explores childhood gay conversion therapy. Current Wiki. Cartman goes over to Butters's house and then tricks him into allowing himself to be blindfolded and opening his mouth. Paramount Home Entertainment. This deemed selfishness ended the relationship between Garrison and Mr. It's like, you just know there's something better, but you can't think of it, and now you've just got to go with crab people.

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