is linda eastenders pregnant

Is linda eastenders pregnant

No fake bumps this time for Kellie Bright, the actress who plays Linda Carter on the BBC soap, who's tweeted she's having her second child.

Kellie Bright's on-screen character on EastEnders, Linda Carter, has had a rough time of it lately, but off-screen the actress has been enjoying life with her actor hubby and their three kids. Her character has endured a difficult start to the year with those closest to her in Walford trying to help her through it. She has since spent her time trying to move forward with her life, but she's set to relive her trauma with Janine Butcher Charlie Brooks ready to decide on her plea. To make matters worse, she has been left heartbroken after overhearing a drunken revelation from Alfie Moon Shane Richie. All of this comes months after Linda, who entered the London soap in , was seriously injured in a dramatic car crash. Away from the cameras, Kellie has led a less dramatic life with her actor husband Paul Stocker. He is best known for his role on Atonement.

Is linda eastenders pregnant

EastEnders shows actress Kellie Bright's real-life pregnancy bump in new scenes for her character Linda Carter. The year-old actress is expecting her third child with her husband Paul Stocker, having previously welcomed son Freddie in and son Gene in Mirroring the actress' real-life pregnancy, it was recently revealed in the BBC One soap opera that her character Linda is also pregnant. However, there is a slight snag for Linda as the father of her unborn child is not beloved husband Mick Carter Danny Dyer but former fling Max Branning, who recently fled Albert Square following actor Jake Wood's departure from the soap. In scenes on Tuesday's episodes, however, some drama goes down for the landlady of the Queen Vic pub. If you don't want to know what happens before the episode airs on Tuesday, now is the time to stop reading this article. After Mick got sidetracked helping the pregnant taxi driver Jeanette - played by Danny Dyer's real-life daughter Dani Dyer - Linda was left to attend her baby scan alone leaving her feeling insecure and upset at the end of the first of Tuesday's episodes, which are available on Monday on BBC iPlayer. In the second instalment, the couple's daughter Nancy warned Mick when he returned home that he had missed the appointment and told him: 'You need to talk to mum, she's going to think you didn't go to the scan on purpose. Mick later met up with Linda in the park and she told Mick: "This past month, you haven't laid your hands on my bump once. You haven't felt it kick. She told Mick she doesn't blame him and acknowledges that her baby is a reminder of her affair with Max. Linda then explained to Mick she has decided to go to stay with her mother Elaine until her and Max's child is born. However, Mick goes on to try and reassure her and get her to stay, but then Linda commented it could resemble Max: "What if it's ginger?

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Linda Carter will embark on a whole new chapter of her life, while Zack Hudson receives a blast from the past, which leads to a shock discovery. Who is Linda Carter without Mick by her side? Can she rebuild her life and create a new one? Linda is a tough cookie. I am quite excited about what is going to happen next.

This news made Linda unnerved, given that Max had taken Abi. With all eyes on the fire over at 55 Victoria Road, it was down to Jack to assist Linda in delivering her baby. Jack, however, commented that Mick should be the one to be with her during such a crucial moment. But Linda pleaded with him to stay. Jack softened and agreed to stay put. He made a call to the emergency services, who gave him advice which he then relayed to Linda. However, he spent about two minutes looking for a towel, and when he returned to the living room, he found Linda holding her newborn baby girl.

Is linda eastenders pregnant

Kellie Bright has revealed she is expecting her third child at 44 after she underwent IVF from a frozen embryo to conceive. Congratulations are in order, as EastEnders star Kellie Bright has announced she's pregnant again. The couple are already parents to two sons, 9-year-old Freddie and 4-year-old Gene. Speaking about the exciting news, the year-old said she wanted to be open about her IVF journey to help others who might be going through the same thing. She told OK! A post shared by Kellie Bright kelliebrightofficial. We tried for a long time and we got to a point, around the time I was doing Strictly, where we started to investigate IVF.

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Celebs TV Films. Mirroring the actress' real-life pregnancy, it was recently revealed in the BBC One soap opera that her character Linda is also pregnant. Follow us on social. Authors Elizabeth Atkin. Follow us on social. Or will the hard-man revert to type and try and dispose of his former love rival? ITV Emmerdale star 'leaving' after 15 years and they've already filmed their exit. Lydia Bright. To make matters worse, she has been left heartbroken after overhearing a drunken revelation from Alfie Moon Shane Richie. In scenes on Tuesday's episodes, however, some drama goes down for the landlady of the Queen Vic pub. Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later.

EastEnders star Kellie Bright has given birth to her third child.

See our Privacy Notice. Video Loading Video Unavailable. Advertisement feature with Currys. While Kellie was clearly delighted to be a parent to three such wonderful children, the star also admitted that the journey to becoming pregnant was far from easy as she opened up about her experience with IVF. He was the last remaining embryo and the one that made it. However, Kellie previously opened up on her concerns about their age gap which even led to a brief split. Victoria Beckham. Privacy Policy. As of , Linda is currently one of the key Christmas murder suspects as part of an exciting flash forward sequence that has played out all year. Meghan Markle beams during dinner with Oprah exec as she 'sets sights on Hollywood'. This Morning. Story Saved. Kat has found herself conflicted between the two men in her life.

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