Is slottet movie

A couple of twelve-year-old Norwegian girls struggle with their intense, taboo relationship during the s. Siss : Undress? Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen said the most difficult scene was the end one where she goes inside the ice castle and freeze so terribly. Line Storesund said she never had any big dreams of becoming an actress until her mother came across an advertisement in Aftenposten where they were looking for a girl age 11 to 12 for the lead role in this film. This article related to Norwegian film is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This s drama film—related article is a stub. Contents move to sidebar hide.

Is slottet movie


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In a remote Norwegian mountain-area in the thirties, two 12 year old girls Siss and Unn meets. They are friends, but for Unn it is more serious, she admits to have secret and indecent fantasies about her girlfriend. Ola Solum Lasse Glomm. Mystery Drama. Per Blom's Norwegian coming of age arthouse fantasia is slow and unsettling in parts, but carries a resonating theme of confused intent throughout. Real hard. Sparse dialogues, sober performances, allegorical themes, melodic score, imitate cinematography and a vivid snowy backdrop are at the forefront. Although it does fall on the wonderful performances of Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen and specially Line Storesund…. One need only watch Persona and The Double Life of Veronique to observe at once the deep similarities and considerable differences between two of the filmmakers whom I most admire.

Is slottet movie

In this somber tragedy, a young girl moves to a small town to live with her aunt after her unmarried mother dies. There she makes a new friend. One day, she makes some shy sexual advances to her new friend. This confuses them, and she begins to cry and beg her friend not to tell. On the following day, the girl pauses beside an enchantingly beautiful frozen waterfall. To her it is an "ice palace. Unfortunately she becomes hopelessly lost. The ice then begins to melt, and though she makes a valiant effort to make it through the icy water to the entrance, she fails and perishes from cold and exhaustion. Her friend's name is the final word uttered from her freezing lips.

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I do feel though that the emotions of the girls where not fully explained though leaving a lot of room where the movie could have explored exactly what the girls were going through. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. Quotes Unn : Siss! Ice Palace Original title: Is-slottet. Line Storesund Siss. Article Talk. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Create account. Details Edit. Sign In Sign In.

In this somber tragedy, a young woman moves to a small town to live with her aunt after her unmarried mother dies. There she makes a new friend. One day, she makes some shy sexual advances to her new friend.

See the gallery. Read Edit View history. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Andreas Roald Elev uncredited. Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen Unn. Details Edit. See production info at IMDbPro. The actresses however did a fine job, able to make up for the slow feeling of the movie, you could feel their confusion at what was transpiring. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. Gunnar Svensrud Teacher. Ice Palace Original title: Is-slottet. More to explore. Release date December 26, Norway.

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