is tomato a fruit or vegetable yahoo answers

Is tomato a fruit or vegetable yahoo answers

Many of us can easily distinguish the differences between most fruit and vegetables but when it comes to the age-old question of, is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable, we are not really sure what to answer! Look no further, because the answer is tomato a fruit or vegetable yahoo answers, tomatoes are technically both! While fruits and vegetables both count as part of our recommended 5-a-dayfruits and vegetables have distinct differences. A nutritionist, chef or even your grandma, would use the culinary classification system, that defines fruits and vegetables in a slightly different manner, basing it on the way the plants are used and their flavour profiles.

The tomato is a versatile food found in many types of cuisines internationally. They can be incorporated into a number of main dishes, side dishes and even beverages. You can trace the origin of tomatoes back to South America thousands of years ago, where wild tomato species grew in Ecuador, Peru, northern Chile, and the Galapagos Islands. Despite our growing knowledge about the origins, culinary uses and health benefits of tomatoes, we continue to ask the age-old question — are tomatoes a fruit or vegetable? We commonly refer to tomatoes as a vegetable due to their use in savory dishes, but it is indeed a fruit. To understand why tomatoes are a fruit, we must start with defining the botanical classifications for fruits and vegetables.

Is tomato a fruit or vegetable yahoo answers

In the world of food, there are many plants most people consider vegetables that are actually fruits, botanically speaking. The most famous example is probably the tomato. Its status as a fruit or a vegetable was so contentious that in the Supreme Court had to weigh in and settle the issue once and for all. What it comes down to isn't sweetness, but seeds. So fruit isn't part of the plant itself, but a reproductive part growing from the plant. When we eat vegetables, on the other hand, we're eating the plant itself or some of its parts, like roots, stems, or leaves. Tomatoes are far from the only example of common vegetables that are actually fruits. Read on to see 14 foods you've been misunderstanding this whole time. Even though tomatoes are technically a fruit, it doesn't stop people from treating it and most of the other foods on this list as a vegetable. It's that logic that prompted the Supreme Court to declare in that tomatoes should be taxed like other vegetables. Anyone who's carved a jack-o-lantern for Halloween knows that pumpkins are full of seeds.

Think you can tell a fruit from a vegetable? Robin Shreeves is a freelance writer who focuses on sustainability, wine, travel, food, parenting, and spirituality. Email address.

A vegetable , meanwhile, is a usually herbaceous plant such as the cabbage , bean, or potato grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal. Yes, science nerds, a tomato is technically a fruit. It meets all the botanical criteria for fruits:. Formed from flowers? In , the United States Supreme Court legally declared that tomatoes are vegetables.

About this rating. Many nutritionists and botanists consider the food a fruit based on its genetic structure and function. However, that's not the only word on the matter. Other nutritionists, the U. Supreme Court, the USDA, and culinary experts have classified tomatoes as vegetables based on flavor and their role in recipes. As the basis of ketchup, many salsas, and numerous spaghetti sauce recipes, tomatoes have long blurred the line between fruit and vegetable in popular discussion. In early , Snopes came across multiple social media posts seeking to answer the question once and for all: To which basic food group, exactly, do tomatoes belong? Fruit or vegetable? Fruits are defined , in part, as edible foods that are the reproductive body of a seed plant. And since tomatoes indeed grow from ripened flower ovaries and contain seeds -- matching the definition of a fruit -- many nutritionists consider them part of the fruit food group that also includes apples, kiwis, melons, cherries, as well as cucumbers, peppers, and avocados, according to Encyclopedia Britannica and Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Is tomato a fruit or vegetable yahoo answers

Rare deal alert! It's a food debate as old as time: What, exactly, is a tomato? According to the United States Department of Agriculture , botanically, a tomato is a fruit. This is because fruits contain seeds. Merriam Webster is in agreement:. Yes, a tomato is a fruit. And a banana is a berry.

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Measure advertising performance. The judges disagreed, ruling that in the "common language of the people, whether sellers or consumers of provisions," tomatoes are vegetables. One adult portion of a tomato is a medium sized tomato or 7 cherry tomatoes, remember to eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables so you can reach your daily 5-a-day. Zucchinis are a member of the gourd family, meaning just like cucumbers and pumpkins, they're considered a type of berry. Trayron Milton remains in jail as of Monday afternoon. NatureSweet Eclipse tomatoes are a premium variety of tomatoes that offers bold flavors and a beautiful color to elevate any dish you choose. And "fruit" can be a culinary term, too — described as "having a sweet pulp associated with the seed" and "used chiefly in a dessert or sweet course," according to Merriam-Webster. In reality, tomatoes are both fruits and vegetables at the same time. The Bears' trade market for Fields got even frostier as the Falcons bowed out of being a potential suitor. Even though tomatoes are technically a fruit, it doesn't stop people from treating it and most of the other foods on this list as a vegetable. Read next. But not only are eggplants botanically fruits, they are considered berries—very, very large berries.

Here are the botanical, nutritional, and legal answers to a pressing question. Let's settle this debate once and for all: the tomato is both a fruit and a vegetable.

Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Executive Lifestyle. Use profiles to select personalised advertising. To understand why tomatoes are a fruit, we must start with defining the botanical classifications for fruits and vegetables. There is disagreement about classification in some cases, as well as confusion caused by the perceived sweetness and savoriness of various fruits and vegetables, which is what we explore in this post. In , the Supreme Court ruled that a tomato should be classified as a vegetable "based on the ways in which it is used, and the popular perception to this end. This should be a cut- and-dried issue from now on, right? But think about it. Newsletter Sign Up. Once a flower gets pollinated, a fruit or plant ovary develops to surround and protect seeds until they are spread by animals or the environment. There they joined the ranks of true vegetables that come from the leaves, stalks, roots, tubers and bulbs of a plant, or vegetables that are the flower of the plant, like broccoli.

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