italienische mastiff

Italienische mastiff

Der Mastino Napoletano gilt noch heute als Ursprung der bekannteren molosserartigen Hunderassen wie beispielsweise die Bordeauxdoggeder Bernhardiner oder der Cane Corso, italienische mastiff.

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Ancient Rome. Subcategories This category has only the following subcategory. Pages in category "Neapolitan Mastiff" This category contains only the following page. N Neapolitan Mastiff.

Italienische mastiff


Di Centurio Vitis Ammalon.


Blog About Sign up Log in. Breed Overview The Italian Mastiff, also known as the Cane Corso, is a majestic and powerful breed that traces its origins back to ancient Rome. With a strong and muscular build, this breed commands attention and exudes confidence. The Italian Mastiff stands tall and proud, with males reaching heights of 25 to Its appearance is characterized by a large head, square muzzle, and well-defined jaw. The breed has dark, almond-shaped eyes that express intelligence and alertness. The ears are traditionally cropped, but can be left natural. The body is well-proportioned, displaying a deep chest, broad shoulders, and a straight back. Temperament-wise, the Italian Mastiff is known for its loyalty, protectiveness, and strong bond with its family. Their calm and stable nature makes them excellent companions and effective guard dogs.

Italienische mastiff

In his elastic, lumbering gait, which belongs more to a big cat than a mere canine, there is a sheer bestiality that summons archetypes older than civilization itself. Described as the most operatic of all the dog breeds, the Neapolitan Mastiff lays claim to the heritage of the famous Molosser dog. That prized canine from ancient Greece was massive in size, with a ferocity to match, and acquired a reputation for striking awe that has endured for millennia. In truth, virtually every heavy-boned, thick-skinned, mastiff-type breed claims to descend from this peerless defender. The difference is, in the case of the Neapolitan Mastiff, that might actually be true.

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Deine E-Mail-Adresse. In geradem Zustand reicht sie bis zum Sprunggelenk. Cane da presa - neapolitan mastiff - cane corso - - Einbrecher haben definitiv kein leichtes Spiel mit dem massigen Aufpasser, denn im Ernstfall verteidigt er seine Bezugspersonen heftig. Die runden Augen stehen recht weit auseinander. Dies war nicht immer der Fall. Mastino sylwetka. Obiettivozootecnicosulmastino antoniocrepaldi Farblich sollte die Nase der Farbe des Fells entsprechen. Neapolitan Mastiff mastino napoletano. Neapolitan Mastiff Movement. Schreibe ein paar Infos zu Deiner Zucht optional.

The Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds in the world.

Namespaces Category Discussion. Entsprechend sind auch die Lefzen fleischig und dick. Stundenlanges Ruhen liegt diesem Italiener sehr. Upload media. Neapolitan Mastiff Movement. Neapolitan mastiff Die reichliche Haut bildet eine Wamme, welche etwa bis zur Mitte des Halses reicht. Deine Homepage. Sad Lucy. N Neapolitan Mastiff. Dein Name. Neapolitan Mastiff Male Head.

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