

It is a term used by some Muslim communities around the world, particularly sufi ones, to a place of gathering, jamatkhana.

Today, Shia Ismaili Muslims use jamatkhanas as their primary space of worship and gathering, under the authority of the Ismaili Imam-of-the-Time. Jamatkhana s in Muslim History. Muslims in different parts of the world and belonging to different communities of interpretation use a variety of spaces for prayer and gathering. Spaces of gathering called jamatkhanas have been used by a number of Sunni and Shia communities throughout history, including among communities of Sunni Memons, Shia Bohras, and Chishti Sufis. Mughal complexes in South Asia, including the Taj Mahal in Agra, often included spaces called jamatkhanas. Ismaili Jamatkhanas.


Prayer and worship are central concepts in Islam, yet Muslims have always practiced their faith in diverse ways. Other Muslim communities give their religious buildings different names: from ribat and zawiyya to khanaqa. And, in addition, there are other places where Muslims of all interpretations can come together, such as non-denominational mosques. During the earliest years of Islam, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family and the Muslim community living in Mecca had no special place of worship and the arrangements for communal worship were informal. Throughout history, various communities of interpretation of Islam evolved, including the branches of the Shia and Sunni, as well as many Sufi Tariqahs. In addition to the masjid, or mosque, many of these communities developed their own distinctive spaces of gathering in which they performed practices and rituals specific to their Tariqah. Among these diverse spaces is the Jamatkhana. It refers to a place where members of certain Sunni and Shia communities come together for prayers and communal gatherings. It is commonly associated with the activities of Sufi groups, but has also evolved into the principle space of worship for Shia Ismaili Muslims. As with other Muslim spaces of gathering, there has been an evolution in both function and form of the Jamatkhanas, reflecting the changing historical and cultural context of these institutions as well as the evolving needs of the community. The first Ismaili Jamatkhanas were established in South Asia. The Jamatkhana plays a significant role in the lives of the Jamat. We gather as a community to pray together, to build our community, to strengthen our identity, to enable intellectual and social development, and to reinforce our ethics through service. Jamatkhanas can be catalysts for our Jamat's progress, as well as for reaching out to the society around us.

The Ismaili, jamatkhana. The Ismaili Imamat is a supra-national entity representing the succession of Imams since the time

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 29, am. Post by nagib » Wed Jun 29, pm. Post by farida » Wed Jun 29, pm. Post by Guest » Wed Jun 29, pm. Post by Guest » Fri Jul 01, pm. Post by Admin » Fri Jul 01, pm.

The first Nizari Ismaili Jamatkhana in Zanzibar was established in the s, with the appointments of mukhis and kamadias, during the time of Imam Hasan Ali Shah. Imam Sultan Mahomed Shah officially opened the Darkhana Jamatkhana on August 16, and established the first Ismaili school there in The earliest Ismailis to immigrate to East Africa first established their foothold in Zanzibar. Khoja Ismaili merchants and other traders based in Western India had been trading in western Indian Ocean since at least the seventeenth century. Communities began to settle in the s when Zanzibar served as a gateway between Western Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, and Europe. The early Ismailis who settled in Zanzibar were farmers, who were compelled to emigrate due to successive droughts and famines that had caused economic hardships. Eventually large numbers of community members of diverse backgrounds began to emigrate. When Zanzibar became the Omani capital, it provided political stability and security as well as enhanced economic opportunities for traders to expand their businesses. India-based merchants became politically and economically important for the rulers who appointed them to the post of chief customs inspectors, including Tharia Topan, Allidina Visram, and others.


This article was written by a guest contributor and reflects the views of the author. Josh Nadeau is a public educator and freelance writer currently based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He has travelled extensively throughout the former Soviet Union and his work has been published in the Calvert Journal and Convivium. His research interests include topics such as cultural history and conflict studies. Rows of sturdy, almost unnervingly elegant poplars line the river Gunt, which divides the town of Khorog, Tajikistan in half until it flows into the neighbouring Panj. Stand on the east bank of the river and throw a stone: you will hit neighboring Afghanistan. Ask them about it and they will tell you about their traditional homes, their contribution to Tajik and Soviet Rock. Stick around long enough and they will get around to the biggest piece of news in years: the opening of their new Jamatkhana. They serve purposes similar to those of mosques, but they are never described as such in official practice. What makes the new Jamatkhana in Khorog so special, though, is that it is the first such officially-recognized house of prayer in a historically Ismaili-majority region.

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Archived from the original on Recounting journeys of migration, including under the very challenging circumstances of the Ugandan expulsion and Tanzanian exodus, she invites readers to explore the evolving role of Jamati institutions that continue to support the Ismaili community. Lit Verlag: , p. The interior spaces display elements of Islamic design and architectural elements of Jamatkhanas throughout the world. In-person Self-Guided Tour. Jamatkhana, evening prayers, are held by the Ismaili Students Association each evening of the week. In , the Bombay Jamatkhana in Khadak became the first Jamatkhana assigned as a darkhana. Re: any JKs in Spanish countries? Related Articles. Some of these were due to the cultural milieu in which the Jamatkhanas were situated while others followed general traditions of pietic and religious culture, which in turn informed rules of decorum and etiquette within these spaces. It is a term used by some Muslim communities around the world to denote a place of gathering. During the earliest years of Islam, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family and the Muslim community living in Mecca had no special place of worship and the arrangements for communal worship were informal. The buildings were not only meant to act as symbolic markers of the Ismaili community's presence in England and Canada, but also as an ambassadorial bridge which would continue to help them develop and maintain relationships with other faith groups and civil society organizations. The Ismaili Imamat is a supra-national entity representing the succession of Imams since the time

It is a term used by some Muslim communities around the world, particularly sufi ones, to a place of gathering. While the masjid literally: the place of a Muslim's sujood or prostration before God or mosque in English is the term used by the Qur'an to denote the primary space of salaat communal Muslim prayers , a range of spaces for Islamic communal purposes can be currently found throughout the Muslim world. The Chisti Sufi tariqa utilizes their Jamatkhanas as a meeting space for conversation and counsel with the pir or teacher.

Princeton University Press, , p. There was a JK in Barcelona but I don't think it is still functional as there are not many Ismailis left there. Subscribe to the. Princeton University Press: , p. As the Ismaili diaspora spread, Jamatkhanas remained essential focal points in new lands, providing strength, succour and solace in changing times. Tauris: , p. Ismaili jamatkhanas are inclusive of ethnicity and gender, enabling Ismaili men and women to sit in separate but side-by-side sections during ritual prayers and ceremonies. The Foundations of the Composite Culture in India. Archived from the original on Quick links. Wikimedia Commons. Ambohizatovo Jamatkhana, Antananarivo, Madagascar. Browse More Events. In other projects. Ahmedabad Jamatkhana, Gujarat, India.

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