jamie naked attraction

Jamie naked attraction

The daring dating series that starts where some good dates might end - naked, jamie naked attraction. Looking for love this time are year-old Glyn who blames his lack of love on his disco dancing past, and year-old Jamie who goes on hot dates but keeps being served cheaters.

Naked Attraction took a very awkward turn when one contestant got ghosted by her date. In Thursday's instalment January 30 of the Channel 4 dating programme, Jamie picked fellow singleton Lewis from the lineup, after he complimented her "fit" figure. Later in the episode, the two went on their first date and while it looked like they'd formed some sort of a connection, the end of the episode brought a surprising turn for Jamie. Related: Naked Attraction viewers think one contestant looks like I'm a Celebrity star. When the show checked on how the pair were doing, Jamie revealed that Lewis had suddenly stopped replying just a couple of weeks after they'd started dating.

Jamie naked attraction


Quite naturally, viewers watching at home weren't impressed that Lewis had cut off Jamie all of a sudden.


A year-old Swansea man is set to bare are all in his search for love. Jamie, who is a plumber from Swansea, is set to appear on Channel 4's Naked Attraction tonight as he looks to turn his love life around. The synopsis reads: "Plumber Jamie's love life has gone down the u-bend, so he's all cisterns go to find a partner. The popular dating show returns tonight for its 11th season. Jamie will be the second person to choose on tonight's episode of Naked Attraction. He will follow Sarah, from Plymouth, who will become the show's first-ever returning picker having previously been on as David. She is now a pansexual and living as a woman. The synopsis says: "Sarah can't wait to road test her new body on her first date as a woman. If you miss it, don't worry, you can catch up on All 4. Are you looking for love and want to be a part of Naked Attraction?

Jamie naked attraction

The daring dating series that starts where some good dates might end - naked. Proud pansexual Sarah can't wait to road test her new body on her first date as a woman. Plumber Jamie's love life has gone down the u-bend and he's all cisterns go to find his perfect partner. Next on TV: Wed 27 Mar, 10pm. Will the stars align for empowerment coach Jane, and can Anthony find a canny lass? Sandra's after a mature man.

Datatables editor

My List. Married couple Abbie and Charlie have throuple plans. Can Luca find his perfect muse? Horse lover Hezron wants an out-and-proud stallion. Callie wants a man who's proud to have her on his arm. Strictly star announces birth of third child. This Pride special celebrates memorable singletons from across the sexual spectrum. First shown: Wed 9 Mar 47 mins. Love Island's Georgia and Toby share Instagram. Channel 4. Pansexual Sarah can't wait to road test her new body, and plumber Jamie is all cisterns go. Related: Naked Attraction viewers think one contestant looks like I'm a Celebrity star.

Revisits some 'firsts' including featuring a trans woman, first celeb, Lauren Harries and Josh the virgin. Revisits the rich tapestry of pickers, from the butter-wouldn't-melt ones and those who revealed their darkest secrets, to food fetishes, including a polyamorous couple and a three-time picker.

Pansexual Sarah can't wait to road test her new body, and plumber Jamie is all cisterns go. This Pride special celebrates memorable singletons from across the sexual spectrum. Chrissie seeks hubbie number four. Mariia wants a not-so-average Mr or Mrs. First shown: Wed 23 Mar 47 mins. Claire wants to find her dream partner. Strictly star cosies up to girlfriend at BRITs. Dan Walker announces "dream" project away from TV. From the audacious to the attention-grabbing we celebrate the 'once seen, never forgotten'. We celebrate when naked attraction led to full-on romance, as well as dating disasters. First shown: Wed 9 Mar 47 mins.

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