Janes patisserie christmas

Please see my disclosure for more details! These beauties are without a doubt one of my favourite cookies I have ever done, janes patisserie christmas, and can you blame me?!

Please see my disclosure for more details! How could I honestly not go into the Christmas season without doing a festive cookie?! Last year the insanely popular bake was my gingerbread NYC cookies , but this year?! I wanted to go a little further and create a fun decorated cookie that is still utterly delicious. This year, the bake of the season is these beauties… Christmas pudding cookies!! I had so many requests for these in the past, and I just had so many ideas I could never fit them in — but this year I made sure I could.

Janes patisserie christmas

Please see my disclosure for more details! I am fully and utterly obsessed with making drip cakes as we all know, and this one is no exception… I am in love with this Christmas drip cake! I know it may look a little over the top with some of the decorations, but I am here to bring my random creations to life! One thing that I have been requested to do many times is a Christmas themed drip cake — and I went with it. This recipe is here to give you a guide — you can have fun with it! For this recipe, I took some inspiration from my gingerbread drip cake , but made it chocolate-themed too! I liked the idea of a chocolate victoria sponge recipe with ground ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg — the flavours to give the warmth and more of a festive feel, and ohhhh my days it worked so well! Absolutely heavenly! The spices in this Christmas drip cake are optional of course — if you want a plain chocolate sponge you can leave them out, or even add in another flavour with 1 tsp vanilla extract , orange extrac t, or even peppermint extract! It is entirely up to you. The frosting is an american buttercream frosting — as it is just so easy and perfect for a bake like this Christmas drip cake! I wanted something to fill the cake, crumb coat the cake, and then cover and decorate with! So a decently sized batch of buttercream is the way to go.

I tended to start off the larger piping tips janes patisserie christmas some of the colours, and then add in the smaller piping tips to fill the gaps. Yes absolutely — I have linked it at the bottom of my Rainbow Cake recipe.

Please see my disclosure for more details! I have a cheats Christmas pudding in my second book, as typically with bakes like this you need to take your time. They are recipes that develop over the time because of the alcohol that you put into the bake. However, for the cheats Christmas pudding I thought about the people who, like me, often forget to create a bake like these within the time frame. This Christmas cake recipe however?! I am bang on the correct time for this beauty.

Please see my disclosure for more details! I have a cheats Christmas pudding in my second book, as typically with bakes like this you need to take your time. They are recipes that develop over the time because of the alcohol that you put into the bake. However, for the cheats Christmas pudding I thought about the people who, like me, often forget to create a bake like these within the time frame. This Christmas cake recipe however?! I am bang on the correct time for this beauty. Christmas cake?

Janes patisserie christmas

Please see my disclosure for more details! So… confession time. Like… not at all. Maybe in the future, that may change.. However, this is where this recipe comes in. I am all for everyone having a Christmas pudding if they want it and like it, but for me? I want something delicious and full of chocolate… so why not make a chocolate Christmas pudding?! Or better yet… why not make a no-bake Christmas pudding to make it even easier! That is where the rocky road Christmas pudding is born.

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Lee Willie on October 15, at pm. However, one of my favourite?! Next up will be the lemon and elderflower cake. You can of course adapt the cookies and customise them in many ways…. Find my other recipes on my Recipes Page! Nicole on December 20, at pm. The spices in this Christmas drip cake are optional of course — if you want a plain chocolate sponge you can leave them out, or even add in another flavour with 1 tsp vanilla extract , orange extrac t, or even peppermint extract! Category: Cakes. I bought your book a while ago. Faye on December 14, at pm. Susan lee on December 11, at am.

Please see my disclosure for more details! I have my white chocolate drip cake on my blog — which is definitely one of my favourites — and I have my two-tier celebration cake recipe — but I wanted to be able to just write a full back to basics post on a normal chocolate drip cake. I have gone into a fair amount of detail on other drip cake posts such as my mini egg drip cake with a YouTube video to go alongside , but I wanted to write everything I could think of for this one.

Janine on December 7, at pm. To be fair, I would still happily absolutely devour one of those instead of making it myself, but this is a festive bake — so this recipe is amazing! Once baked, remove from the oven and leave to cool fully. I am baking them again however my mums diabetic so wondered how I can make these sugar free? I am going to pre make the cookie dough and cook them about 38 hours later.. However, one of my favourite?! Once baked, leave to cool in the tin fully. I made two Christmas cakes first time making one. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Servings: 16 People. Search for:.

2 thoughts on “Janes patisserie christmas

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