jason stryker x men

Jason stryker x men

Jason Stryker is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics. Jason Stryker was born after his parent's, Sgt. William Stryker and Marcy Stryker, car crashed in jason stryker x men Nevada desert. Sgt Stryker was stationed on a nuclear testing facility when Marcy had become pregnant.

Jason Stryker was born after his parent's, Sgt. William and Marcy Stryker , car crashed in the Nevada desert. Sgt Stryker was stationed on a nuclear testing facility when Marcy had become pregnant. Alone in the desert, Marcy went into labor and Sgt. Stryker was forced to deliver the baby himself.

Jason stryker x men

No recent wiki edits to this page. Jason, the son of William Stryker , was a mutant with heterchromia eyes different colors from each other. He had developed the telepathic-based power to cast illusions into people's minds. He had been a pupil of Charles Xavier , but continued to torment everyone around him with his powers. When he went home to live with his parents he pushed his powers into his mother's mind, until she became suicidal from the strain. Although he was still young, he had pushed his mother into drilling a hole in her head in an attempt to pour all the hideous illusions out. Jason was the 'first piece of [his father's] puzzle'. William Stryker began to spearhead research into mutants. At first he collected talented mercenaries to fight side-by-side in Team X. Thereby giving the key to their mutant powers to Weapon Eleven, also known as the Deadpool. As Stryker's plans were slowly being revealed, he is seen peering in at the frozen cage of a young boy with heterochromia eyes, who is believed to be a young Jason Stryker. As an adult, Jason was bound to a wheelchair and mute.

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Jason Stryker was a mutant with the ability to create mental illusions within anyone he makes eye contact with, as well as persuade them to speak or perform actions without inhibitions. When William Stryker discovers that his son is a mutant, he sent him to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in the hope he could be cured of his mutation, but Jason is instead encouraged to embrace his mutation by Xavier. Stryker became furious and withdrew Jason from the program. Over the next year, Jason grew increasingly angry with his parents and blamed them for his mutation, to which he began to use his powers to torment them, planting horrific illusions and images in their minds. Stryker's wife eventually committed suicide by applying a power drill to her left temple, in an attempt to bore the images out.

Jason Stryker was a student of Professor X, who has the ability to create illusions. William Stryker chose to not to kill his son, Jason who himself is partially modeled after Mastermind, another X-Men foe , at birth, His father sent him to Xavier's school in hopes of curing him, regarding mutation as a disease that must be cured. Xavier had no interest or belief in 'curing' mutants, which angered his father. Additionally, Jason continued to grow angry, resentful, and vindictive towards his parents; he tortured them by planting illusions in their brains until his mother committed suicide by drilling into her own brain in order to "bore the images out. Jason created the illusion of a little girl in the Mansion X on his father orders to get Xavier to find all the mutants by using Cerebro II to do so. Magneto changed this with the help of Mystique to shapeshift into Stryker to make Jason change Xavier to find all humans instead. Nightcrawler teleported Storm and himself into where Xavier and Jason were. Jason created an illusion of a little girl to stop them, but Storm used her ability to stop Jason, who turned his illusion off and Nightcrawler teleported, Storm, Xavier and himself out of there, leaving Jason to die. X-Men Wiki Explore.

Jason stryker x men

Jason Stryker was a mutant with the ability to create mental illusions within anyone he makes eye contact with, as well as persuade them to speak or perform actions without inhibitions. When William Stryker discovers that his son is a mutant, he sent him to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in the hope he could be cured of his mutation, but Jason is instead encouraged to embrace his mutation by Xavier. Stryker became furious and withdrew Jason from the program. Over the next year, Jason grew increasingly angry with his parents and blamed them for his mutation, to which he began to use his powers to torment them, planting horrific illusions and images in their minds.

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Don't have an account? However, Mystique later morphed into William Stryker and commanded Jason to change the target, causing intense psionic pain to all the humans. Marcy fell unconscious in the process and, upon waking up, she asked if the baby was fine, only for William to snap her neck. Jason Stryker was a mutant with the ability to create mental illusions within anyone he makes eye contact with, as well as persuade them to speak or perform actions without inhibitions. Alpha Flight Inhumans vs. Tools Tools. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Float Left Float Right. Views Read View source View history. Fantasy Sci-fi Marvel. This article is a stub. Nick Fury Spider-Man S.

The film is based on the X-Men superhero team appearing in Marvel Comics. The plot, inspired by the graphic novel God Loves, Man Kills , concerns the genocidal Colonel William Stryker leading an assault on Professor Xavier 's school to build his own version of Xavier's mutant-tracking computer, Cerebro , in order to destroy every mutant on Earth and to save the human race from them, forcing the X-Men to team up with the Brotherhood of Mutants to stop Stryker and save the mutant race. Development on the sequel began shortly after the first film was released on July 14, by 20th Century Fox.

This technique was used on Nightcrawler in a purposefully failed assassination attempt on the President. Ultimate Comics: X-Men This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. He has strong headaches stemming from genetic manipulation from A. All Comics Currently Active Series. Publication history. Jason Stryker. Jason Stryker possesses the ability to project a blinding white light from his body that is powerful enough to knock several people unconscious. The car exploded, but Sgt. His character was later re-introduced in All-New X-Men 19 and was officially given his name "Jason Stryker" in that version. Colonel Stryker's control over his son had become complete. Views Read View source View history. He is usually depicted as the mutant son of William Stryker and an enemy of the X-Men. Namespaces Page Discussion.

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