Jinx ile iyi giden sup
No results found. Akali Builds. Hide Mid Lane Mid Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Sivir AD Carry. Sihirdar Yetenekleri. Normal ve Dereceli. Click here to use this language. Smolder AD Carry. Draven AD Carry. Kalista AD Carry.
Jinx ile iyi giden sup
Grandmaster katarina guide patch
This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. No matter how well you'll play Pyke is going to punish you so your only hope is for late game. Pretty straightforward, just cant get close to him and he will one shot you if you try. Stay as far away and just zap him to death. Because of your squishiness you can die pretty easily to all the crits and her ult, but unless shes a pro you can deal with it.
Jinx ile iyi giden sup
Win Rate For rune shards, you want Attack Speed in offense, Adaptive Force in flex and Health Scaling in defense, though it depends on the matchup. Finally, for your items, you should build Kraken Slayer as your first item, followed by Berserker's Greaves and Infinity Edge. For the skill order, you want to stick with Q - W - E. Right now, this build has The items for the build are Bloodsong, which you should build first, followed by Berserker's Greaves as your second item and Kraken Slayer as your third item. The skill order for this build is Q - W - E. In the current patch, this build has a The items that this build incorporates are Statikk Shiv as your first item, then Berserker's Greaves as a second item and Kraken Slayer as a third item.
Voidtools everything
Then comes level 6, you want to stay FAR away from her where appropriate to stop yourself from getting all inned. She spikes once she gets hextech gunblade, so respect her damage at that point and don't overextend. If you struggle earlier build some MR but your carrying potential will lower if that so. Parliament of Enhancement: Taliyah by junioralchemy Taliyah Player. I'd even recommend going jak'sho first to handle her better. Her all-in is super scary, and you'll probably die if you don't have charm. Her E dash is telegraphed enough for you to land a Q or interrupt it with E. She's a huge threat at lv 6, but you can potentially stun her with E. This matchup is Akali favored. If she E's towards you, W her so that she takes an instant stun when she finally reaches you. Mid game: You should win but she has outplay chances so be careful.
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Zed Guide by Kuji Zed Player. Ultimate poking - Xerath, The Ascending Magus [ Her Q energy cost is too much for her to trade with you. In this kind of matchup, farming is essential. After 6 however you can't harass her much more and it's difficult to side lane or teamfight against her. Only fight her when she used her q on the wave. Top Singed Guide- How to poison enemies correctly [ Plus, her ult slaps hard. However, if she gets too far ahead, it's best to play it safe until your jungle can assist. Phreak's Recomendo banir.
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