joshua project

Joshua project

Joshua Project seeks to bring joshua project to the unfinished task by providing accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information critical for understanding the scope of the Great Commission, joshua project. For over seventeen years, Joshua Project has been a leader in gathering, integrating and sharing people group information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among the least reached people groups of the world and to facilitate effective coordination of mission efforts, joshua project.

This is an article from the March-April issue: Frontier Ventures. It has been said that a problem well defined is a problem half-solved. For the Church to fulfill the Great Commission there needed to be a well-defined target. During the early years of the U. Center for World Mission, Dr.

Joshua project

The Joshua Project is an evangelical Christian organization based in Colorado Springs , United States, which seeks to coordinate the work of missionary organizations to track the ethnic groups of the world with the fewest followers of evangelical Christianity. To do so, it maintains ethnologic data to support Christian missions. It also tracks the evangelism efforts among 17, people groups worldwide—a people group being "the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement," according to the project's website [1] —to identify people groups as of yet unreached by Christian evangelism. The project began in within the former AD and Beyond Movement. Center for World Mission , later called the Venture Center. The goal of the project is to bring definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission by providing accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information critical for understanding the scope of the work required. Focusing on ethnicity, the project maintains a database of " unreached peoples " listed by country and language. As of , they list 9, ethnic groups. These are further divided into 16, peoples-by-countries, counting national minorities individually for each of countries, of which 6, are classified as "unreached peoples". Each ethnicity is listed as speaking at least one of 6, languages. Contents move to sidebar hide.

Colorado SpringsU. As the U.


Joshua Project is a research initiative of the U. Center for World Mission, seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the fewest followers of Christ. In an effort to continue to focus on the unfinished task and highlight the unreached, Joshua Project has revised its progress scale. For simplicity and clarity, we have moved from a four-color to a three-color scale. The new colors represented here in Mission Frontiers by shades of gray are:. These three colors are used throughout the Joshua Project website to indicate the level of reachedness for people groups, people clusters and countries. Clicking the progress scale color block anywhere on the Joshua Project website brings up a description of all levels. A summary of all progress levels and a revised progress level world map are available.

Joshua project

The Joshua Project is an evangelical Christian organization based in Colorado Springs , United States, which seeks to coordinate the work of missionary organizations to track the ethnic groups of the world with the fewest followers of evangelical Christianity. To do so, it maintains ethnologic data to support Christian missions. It also tracks the evangelism efforts among 17, people groups worldwide—a people group being "the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement," according to the project's website [1] —to identify people groups as of yet unreached by Christian evangelism. The project began in within the former AD and Beyond Movement. Center for World Mission , later called the Venture Center. The goal of the project is to bring definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission by providing accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information critical for understanding the scope of the work required. Focusing on ethnicity, the project maintains a database of " unreached peoples " listed by country and language. As of , they list 9, ethnic groups.

Dr diagno lab

The goal of the project is to bring definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission by providing accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information critical for understanding the scope of the work required. Asia Harvest helps facilitate the work of more than 1, indigenous evangelists and church planters many of whom are serving among unreached people groups. One example of Joshua Project information being used to catalyze church planting among unreached people groups involves the ministry of ANM, Advancing Native Missions. From Our Partners. This systematic approach lessens the likelihood of people groups falling through the cracks. Joshua Project. Joshua Project". To do so, it maintains ethnologic data to support Christian missions. These are further divided into 16, peoples-by-countries, counting national minorities individually for each of countries, of which 6, are classified as "unreached peoples". As of , they list 9, ethnic groups. We'll keep you up to date.


Joshua Project seeks to fill that need for a specific, accurate and comprehensive people group list to support Dr. Toggle limited content width. In other words, four out of ten people in the world today live in a people group that has very limited, if any, exposure to the gospel. The Joshua Project is an evangelical Christian organization based in Colorado Springs , United States, which seeks to coordinate the work of missionary organizations to track the ethnic groups of the world with the fewest followers of evangelical Christianity. Retrieved Each ethnicity is listed as speaking at least one of 6, languages. Article Talk. Register Login. Colorado Springs , U. The goal of the project is to bring definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission by providing accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information critical for understanding the scope of the work required. Joshua Project exists to answer the following questions:. All Joshua Project data uses standard coding, which allows easy integration with other missions datasets. Updates are also available by email in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean.

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