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Hello, I'm working kayseri yatsı ezanı a project which plays a certain mp3 file at a certain time for a certain time length in which the user may select some menu items for volume control and exit while playing. I apologize for not sharing the code as it's more than lines and will take too much of your precious time. To cut a long story short, I use the typical millis routine to stop a playing typically 3 minutes file according to its length and it gives me different results on each use, kayseri yatsı ezanı.
This app is one of the best Islamic apps I have ever used. This is the best app I have ever seen. So many features. Hadith with every prayer alert. Notifications before prayer. I have been using this app for a while now and I am very happy with it and its extraordinary functions.
Kayseri yatsı ezanı
Trusted Partners. I have not fully read the code, but by skimming it I can see a lot of blocking code both delay and long-running while-loops that would cause millis timing to be poor. Islamic helper app, Holy Quran, Adhan timings, Qibla and more features, kayseri yatsı ezanı.
Sometimes we might have trouble finding where you are located. Having your current location will help us to get you more accurate prayer times and nearby Islamic places. Here are some things you can do to help fix the problem. Sabah Hicri Tarih Ayarlama 1 dakika Varsayilan 2 dakikalar 3 dakikalar 4 dakikalar 5 dakikalar 6 dakikalar 7 dakikalar 8 dakikalar 9 dakikalar 10 dakikalar 11 dakikalar 12 dakikalar 13 dakikalar 14 dakikalar 15 dakikalar. Hukuki ayarlar Hanbeli, Maliki, Safii Hanefi. Oto konum. Bitis Tarihi. In the "Privacy" section, click Content settings.
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Millis Timer, Stopped Working?? We need much more information. Easy Your Life Journey. Islamic helper app, Holy Quran, Adhan timings, Qibla and more features. Trusted Partners. EDIT: Ooops User Comments. Project Guidance. Notifications before prayer. LarryD August 28, , pm When millis compare to old value it just exits the routine even if it's illogical.
Millions of users trust us. Unreliable millis timer Using Arduino Programming Questions. I apologize for not sharing the code as it's more than lines and will take too much of your precious time. MicroBahner August 29, , am So I was wondering if there is another timer routine that is reliable. Key Features. Thank you in advance. Salman Khan France. Could it be that it sends a signal you could intercept when the file has finished? Accurate prayer times according to your location Smart Watch Compatibility Holy Quran, its recitations and translations. Danois90 August 28, , pm 7. Martin Jonas Canada.
Willingly I accept. In my opinion, it is actual, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.