Kelme world travel
Trampki Trail Running w kolorze czarnym iSzary.
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Kelme world travel
JavaScript wydaje się być wyłączony w Twojej przeglądarce. Musisz mieć włączenie JavaScript w przeglądarce, aby wykorzystać funkcjonalność tej witryny. Zaczynać od: ,39 zł. Nowa odsłona butów trail World Travel. Doskonała propozycja dla miłośników trail running. W cholewce zastosowano techniczną siateczkę dla większej lekkości structure. Palce posiadają zgrzewane wzmocnienie zapewniające większą trwałość. Sztywna wewnętrzna amortyzacja pięty zapewnia większą stabilność podczas uderzenia stopy. Podeszwa zewnętrzna running zapewnia amortyzację podczas każdego kroku. Buty do biegania Kelme World Travel. Zaczynać od: ,39 zł ,31 zł.
Lou Laguiole. Obsługa klienta we Francji Kontakt z nami. Norton
JavaScript wydaje się być wyłączony w Twojej przeglądarce. Musisz mieć włączenie JavaScript w przeglądarce, aby wykorzystać funkcjonalność tej witryny. Zaczynać od: ,38 zł. Zaprojektowane z myślą o wędrówkach buty World Travel z Kelme ułatwiają poruszanie się po wszystkich rodzajach szlaków. Nowa wersja butów trail World Travel. Doskonała opcja dla entuzjastów pieszych wędrówek trail running. W cholewce zastosowano techniczną siateczkę, która zapewnia większą lekkość structure.
New shoe from the Spanish brand to run in the mountains. We are used to seeing running shoes from Kelme but the new Kelme Trail Travel is another step of the brand in the field of the mountain, in which we expect to see more news in the coming months. The Kelme Trail Travel is a trail running shoe from Kelme that has a mesh upper , which allows for proper breathability of the foot , which we will appreciate mainly in the hottest months of the year. The toe of the shoe incorporates a thermo-sealed reinforcement to ensure greater durability and protection during our workouts. It has a rigid internal heel pad , which allows for greater stability in the tread to the irregularities of the terrain. Finally, the upper part of the shoe has a puller on the heel to make it easier to put on and take off the shoe during our workouts or races. The lacing system is traditional lacing. The midsole of the Kelme Trail Travel has a reasonable cushioning , not excessive, and provides comfort to the runner. There are not long distances in which we will miss a little more cushioning and comfort needed for those longer distances. The sole of the shoe is made of reinforced rubber and has a multitude of lugs designed in different sizes and positions to improve the grip and durability of the shoe.
Kelme world travel
The Spanish company Kelme seeks to maintain its presence in the trail running shoes market with the new Kelme World Travel. We are talking about a training model of great versatility , lightness and comfort , perfect to face the most heterogeneous training sessions. And it is that these Kelme World Travel are trail running shoes that besides being a model of great value for money , are prepared to offer the greatest comfort in all those workouts of soft rhythms and low loads. A model that will provide the necessary cushioning to offer a smoother and more comfortable run. The World Travel are Kelme trail running shoes specifically created to maintain great comfort and cushioning on compact and easy terrain. We are talking about a model suitable for a large number of runners, the most versatile , from beginners to experts, perfect for beginners in the world of trail or to complete transition or recovery sessions. It is a training model for trail running that stands out for its medium build and its great stabilizing capacity. With a rolling essence, a great value for money and some of the best materials and technologies of the company, we are talking about a model of good performance to get started in the mountains. As far as the ideal profile is concerned, these Kelme World Travel are highly versatile shoes from Kelme. We are talking about a medium build model, with good support that can be perfectly used by a large number of runners, even by those weighing up to 80 kilos.
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The sole of the Trail Travel and Trail Travel Mid models are the best option for trail and mountain lovers.
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