kendo ui datasource filter multiple values

Kendo ui datasource filter multiple values

All Telerik. Now enhanced with:. The logic operator is determined by the parent composite descriptor. It should be set explicitly.

This post aims to come up with some useful workaround to filter data in Telerik Kendo Grid over multi-select column fields bound to complex data by using multi-check-boxes filters. I was reading a lot about it in forums but I could not find any solution for me except some that forced me to refactor my code largely. Not funny for me. That having said, on one hand, I couldn't display data values in filter on the target column and on the other hand, once I could find a solution to show multi-check-boxes with desired options, it turns out default functionality did not provide filter capabilities for multi-select fields bound to complex data. It would come very handy if someone reading this post could tell me I am wrong and even leading me to some link explaining how to do it They are columns showing multiple elements for the same column or field, for instance, a list of products as displayed below.

Kendo ui datasource filter multiple values


In order to get data back, we only have to use the.


All Telerik. Now enhanced with:. To try it out sign up for a free day trial. The jQuery Filter control is a powerful component, which allows you to create a filter that can be used by the Kendo DataSource. It provides an intuitive UI and a variety of options about how to create the underlying filter expression.

Kendo ui datasource filter multiple values

All Telerik. Now enhanced with:. To try it out sign up for a free day trial. The jQuery MultiSelect allows you to display a multiple selection from a list of choices. It provides virtualization and customization through templates. In this demo, you can see the MultiSelect created from a select element, bound to a local dataSource and filtering enabled. The demo also demonstrates the noDataTemplate configuration option. This MultiSelect example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of jQuery demos, with which you can see all Kendo UI for jQuery components and their features in action. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance in Kendo UI for jQuery Dojo or ThemeBuilder.

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How do I add a logic operator "OR" for multi-select filters? Answers by. As I am sure you understand, there is a lot of documentation about it and it is not worth to copy and paste all of this within this post. Now enhanced with:. Drag and drop files here or browse to attach Some idea or proposal? The former let us attach data based on a key string value and the latter via an object that must contain key-value pairs. Desktop UI for. Hello Diga, The logic operator is determined by the parent composite descriptor. Submit comment. Answer this question. Add a comment. You can configure this as you best think it meets your requirements.

By default, no filter is applied. The data source filters the data items client-side unless the serverFiltering option is set to true. The data item field to which the filter operator is applied.

This way, the grid can show product names and store internally product codes that we can use in the front-end or even send to the back-end according to rest of grid configuration. The appli Each row in a grid can contain one or more cells with a list of items. We can apply these operators " and ", " or ", etc. It would come very handy if someone reading this post could tell me I am wrong and even leading me to some link explaining how to do it Getting help on this would be very useful for me, though. They will return stored data based on a key or an object containing each stored value as a property in case of using the parameterless method. Hello Jan, You can have multiple nested filter descriptors, for example: dataSource. Desktop UI for. Never mind, remember "demo purposes"

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